Manchester shocker: Chinese consulate official beat up protester; Manchester police launch probe

In a shocking incident, a Chinese consulate official beat up a protester. Manchester police have launched a probe. A former leader has called on the Chinese embassy to issue an apology.

#Manchester #China #Probe

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19 thoughts on “Manchester shocker: Chinese consulate official beat up protester; Manchester police launch probe”

  1. How dare they – this is Britain, not the sodding CCP. Close the consulate and eject the bastards, we had enough of this behaviour when Yvonne Fletcher was murdered – third world Nazi cunts hiding behind diplomatic immunity – get out of our country!

  2. That's right, I agree that everyone has the freedom to express their opinion. The demonstrators in their delivery use harsh and insulting words, this can create new problems. in the video recording the sound is closed. I saw video footage from Indian media of protesters shouting harsh and insulting words as if not conveying what they wanted

  3. I hope you have carefully checked the video details. First, this is not a peaceful demonstration. The slogans used in the protest showed unreasonable insult and violence, which I believe is not allowed no matter in front of which embassy.

    Second, the behavior of the embassy staff was forced. Their goal is simply to take away insulting slogans. Then, an embassy staff was pushed to the ground, and his head was kicked by three people. A "protester" rushed into the embassy and dragged the staff, forcing them to act in self-defence.

  4. I think, there was a fight out side between some pro China and some protests, and then the went inside of the consulate then the Chinese officials beat them up that is call TRESPASSING! ring bell to you WION? I rather believe a used car sale person than believe Wion

  5. 1. The gathered protesters are the terrorists of the 2019 Hong Kong riots. The UK should send such rioters back to Hong Kong to be punished, not let them linger in the UK and endanger the safety of British citizens.

    2. The Manchester government should never have approved this so-called demonstration. Because this demonstration has absolutely no rational claims and demands, but purely insulting pictures and slogans, which is not a demonstration at all, but a mob provocation.

    Even if the British government did not plan this event intentionally, it has objectively failed in its duty by not protecting the staff of other countries in its own territory and allowing such an event to happen. The British government should be ashamed of itself.

    Of course, the consulate staff may also be suspected of overreacting.

  6. These thugs can no longer create any scene in Hong Kong under the National Security Law. Western politicians: Please take a took at the kind of freedom they want! Low taste cursing. I hope the UK will accept all these thugs from Hong Kong so that your neighborhood will never be quiet again.

  7. Lol! It's the other way around. The protesters were storming the consular – in the vid show the British cops were pulling/pushing ppl away from entering the consular ground. You know consular grounds are territory of the other country. Once you enter it, the guards can do whatever to protect the ground.

  8. How many people were killed by British rule?

    Contrary to the myth that Britain gave many 'gifts' to India, the British Raj was a cruel and oppressive regime responsible for the deaths of an estimated 35 million Indians.16 Mar 2021


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