Man Up! | Sunday Night with Seth Gruber

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28 thoughts on “Man Up! | Sunday Night with Seth Gruber”

  1. This was incredible! I've never heard of Seth or heard him speak before. My generation – Boomers and the previous generation have much to apologize for and repent of. We are the reason the sickness has risen. We failed to protect future generations from predators of all types. We were too comfortable and fell for the lies of the enemy. We failed and billions have suffered as a result.

  2. OMGOODNESS! WOW! I love that someone cares. The message that spoke to me most and I'll probably butcher it but it's the awful ugly things that continue and how much suffering would be allowed for the Christian to actually step forward and say enough. And because of the fear of man which is a snare. We're paralyzed and sit comfortably but when it happens to ME, or us, that's when we have to go into survival mode and beg for the unity of other believers to stand against the the spiritual wickedness with the One who is greater in me. I'm saying this out of experience. I didn't stand alone but there was nothing else anyone could do, so that's where God came forward instead and I was comforted, astonished and grateful. In all honesty I'm only bold in Christ. So I ask, Lord, please send workers into the mission field and if so Lord send me. I'm going to pray. Lord help me to stand and having done all to stand. I'm not sure how but You will show me! I'll start by sharing this message πŸ™πŸ˜”

  3. Anyone who fornicates with the great whore of Babylon will drink of the cup of the wrath of God that is poured out without measure. The church has stood firm this whole time the wicked of the world has taken pleasure in unrighteousness and wont face their punishment soon enough!

  4. What about the growing Christian men who are viewing pornograpy and ruining families? Satan is getting many of our men trapped in these fantasies. I don't hear male pastors speak about the hurt of the wives.

  5. This guy knows his stuff and has important things to say . I wish he was much less silly and over the top on his delivery. This feels like a stand up comedy show not a church meeting. We are not here to be amused or entertained we are here to be encouraged strengthened and prepared for hard times. Be sober minded and serious not clowning around for attention. This is not good.😒 someone please counsel this young man.

  6. God's methods of abortion: " Samaria will bear her guilt because she has rebelled against her God.Their infants will be dashed to pieces and their PREGNANT WOMEN RIPPED OPEN.(Hosea 13:16) Judah was told, "your daughter-in-law, Tamar,has been acting like a prostitute, and now SHE IS PREGNANT." "Bring her out," Judah said, "and let her be burned to death."(Gen.38:24) "I will kill the precious offspring of their wombs."(Hosea 9:16) Also see Num.5:11-28.

  7. GOD's Answer for California "Hillary" and the actual Earthquakes – there is coming more….Pray, Pray, Pray that JESUS is coming soon πŸ™πŸŒ·πŸ‘‘πŸ’–πŸ‘‘πŸŒΉπŸ™


  8. I don’t know if anything Seth said was incorrect but I can’t help but wonder if the evil one isn’t just using this to distract us from what Jesus told us to do which is share the gospel. Time is short.


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