Man Nearly Dies Lost in The Jungle! (Part 4) #joerogan #tribe #jungle


45 thoughts on “Man Nearly Dies Lost in The Jungle! (Part 4) #joerogan #tribe #jungle”

  1. I spent six months in Thailand and other rural parts of Laos. When I sunburned and pealed my dry skin they were shocked! They did not understand why I burned. Iโ€™m no where near famous. But then again never had a check from Facebook ever delivered to my account

  2. The lesson you all missed is that not everyone on Planet Earth is from here. According to your misinterpreted lessons all cultures came from Adam and Eve (REALLY?). Does being born in America makes you an American? WAKE UP!

  3. Things could always be worse. They could have been the pigme tribe of very un cool rituals like everyone in the village rapes burns and then eats David still alive so they can gain the strength and knowledge of the stars. Imagine a bunch of smaller people picking their teeth with David bones saying, "Why do we even listen to the creepy village witch doctor as everyone goes back home climbing up the trees like humanity is normal. I lived a wild life, and I got many stories, but I never got lost in an African jungle looking for ๐Ÿฆ•.


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