Man mauled to death by dogs in northwest Houston, police say

A man is dead after police say he was mauled by two or three dogs in northwest Houston.


17 thoughts on “Man mauled to death by dogs in northwest Houston, police say”

  1. What a horrible way to die. The owners needs to be charged. People always think their dogs are friendly to everyone, because they are friendly with the owners. No. Get your dog!

  2. I had a similar situation where stray pitbuls got into my backyard and started to attack my dogs and heard the commotion outside, grabbed my gun n took care of them

  3. this is why you should be allowed to shoot any stray dogs on site. I was at a park today with one of my children and a walker had one leashed dog and one unleashed rott weiler with her her in
    new zealand. it was horrible. got within meters of my kid. I don't care how tame it is rott weilers have killed and can do bad damage.


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