Man Hunts With Crazy Tribe! #joerogan #storytime #tribe


46 thoughts on “Man Hunts With Crazy Tribe! #joerogan #storytime #tribe”

  1. A man so strong he can shoot the arrow through something… so I guess the tool he was using (bow) just sat back and watched him. Sometimes I wonder if people listen to themselves when they are hyping their stories up.

  2. Now more & more story tellers it become a new trend. The truth part no one actually verify it. Probably is a new wave for radio channels & commercialised it plus the AI digital to make it more interesting🀣🀣🀣

  3. so mayBe -am thinking these Kooky-Tribes
    (Indigenous Cannibalistic Head|Hunter PsychoPathS)
    Allow themSelves /(w Full OpenMinded InvitationS)
    to be Bitch-Vessels -for Chronic DEmon Possession

    I would be more Selective on
    who (out there) Ide Associate w
    best Not to maKe this -Meet & Greet
    a Regular WeeKEnd Occasion
    I would REthink a Second Visit
    maybe a PostCard RainChecK -from a'Far

    -jus sayin

  4. There is a method of bee stings that they used to treat MS patients in some countries. I can’t even imagine what kind of physical immunities these people would have developed after being stung by crazy Amazon, bees of all kinds their entire lives


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