Man fatally stabbed after fight between groups at Brooklyn gas station

It all began Saturday night around 11:15 at a Mobile gas station on Coney Island Avenue. Kemberly Richardson has more.


31 thoughts on “Man fatally stabbed after fight between groups at Brooklyn gas station”

  1. The full video shows the teen was surrounded before he stabbed that guy he acted in self-defense it had nothing to do with the guys perverted proclivities and lifestyle choices he attacked that kid an got stabbed no one should be surprised hopefully the kid is ok and is able to overcome this bs in court

  2. What I don't get is why they even felt so compelled to say anything to Oshae and his friends about dancing when they were at the door and could have just walked in and minded their own business. And to yell at them, "don't dance in a Muslim" well this isn't a Muslim (or any other religion) country where others are forced to live by your religious code which I'm sure they don't even abide by themselves. I've been seeing a lot of Muslim teens feeling entitled to going around and insulting a d assaulting people in the LBGTQ community yet it wasn't long ago where they felt targeted because of the same reasons they are going around targeting someone.

  3. let me be very clear: that 'muslin' teen who stabbed the black SGL brother O’Shae Sibley, was more than a sexual orientation hate crime, it was anti black. There is no way in hell that he would have approached white gay men dancing to Madonna. He is Arabian, and we already know how they feel about black people period. They in our hoods in gas stations and stores and are as racist as a klan member in the south. You wonder where guns are coming from and black women coming up missing, look no further.

  4. Disgusting, the Muslim kid had a knife this whole time and provoked those guys to violence, even when all his friends went back into the store he was the only one who remained outside to mock them, this was potentially his intention from the start, and especially since he was recording the whole time, he was probably doing it for clout or something.

  5. Sibly was openly exposing himself in public in front of underaged minors, As a gay male I see him at fault exposing yourself to minors is a crime, Then openly attacking a minor who is underage because he is homophobic is not a reason to justify openly attacking underaged children after being told to stop exposing yourself the under-aged minor who told him to stop exposing himself in pubilc

  6. Ban all immigrants deport the muslim or whatever they are. SEND THEM BACK Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. Ppl are not noticing the guy arguing and the guy that stabbed the victim, ARE TWO DIFFERENT PPL. The guy videotaping (in red pants) them is the one that stabs the guy.

  8. I hope the man who stabbed this guy is illegal, so we can deport his ass back to wherever the fuck he came from. We don't need anymore violence here. Americans cause our own amount of bullshit as it is, without people from other countries coming over here to fuck everything up. The only foreigners I have any respect for, are the ones who come here (Mostly the Latinos/Latinas) and actually get their citizenship the RIGHT way and live a straight and narrow American life, work for what they want and don't cause trouble. THOSE are the foreigners I respect.

  9. This is why you don’t engage with strangers even if they antagonize you – you don’t know what they’re capable of and there are unhinged people out there. Just walk away even if you’re right.

  10. This has nothing to do with his sexual preference why did he tried to attack him first? Pretty clear self defense. Unfortunately a weapon was used.


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