Man Dies And Is Shown The Future; What He Saw Will Shock You (NDE)

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Today’s story is of life after death is of Bill Tortorelle, a man who experienced an NDE that brought him on an amazing journey through heaven, discovering what life’s purpose is. He is shown the past, present and future through this incredible tour of the afterlife.

Check out Bill’s Book: “The Ninth Level of Enlightenment: the Wisdom of the Light”

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near death experiences
🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle & Epidemic Sound

🎥FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac, except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.
Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.


42 thoughts on “Man Dies And Is Shown The Future; What He Saw Will Shock You (NDE)”

  1. I’ve listened to three of these NDE stories tonight and all of them stress negative and positive energies, the importance of loving and coming together in love and understanding. This can’t be a coincidence.

  2. My GrandMom had a NDE in her 40’s after suffering an MI. She said she remembers walking in a beautiful field of wildflowers, beautiful aroma, she walked until she reached a footbridge over a spring. A light appeared half way across and an arm and hand to help her cross. She remembers saying she couldn’t leave yet, her husband and children still needed her. Everything started backing up and she woke up in the hospital. She had been clinically dead for 3 minutes! She was never afraid of dying after that 😊

  3. The night before my Dad passed away from throat cancer, my StepMom and I heard him mumbling. He could barely talk at this point and hard to understand. We asked him if he needed anything, with a big smile he said “no….look!, look!” pointing up over him. We truly believe he saw our family members who had passed and they came to help him transition. It was a beautiful experience. ♥️😊

  4. Hogwash…! If you were in Tucson what you most certainly had was food poisoning…! If you had a burrito from Filibertos or tacos from Viva Burrito, it's commonly known in town that those places use hallucinogenic mushrooms as a filler in their ground beef. So welcome to Arizona Bill. You did not die…! You had a case of the "Montezuma Revenge". Next time you are in town, bet safe and have a hot dog from Circle K.

  5. "God" wants all this suffering for us…… and that is sick…..evil…!!!! Stop saying God is pure love!!! Maybe we are part of something very big or complex that we can not understand, then don't say is love, everything is perfect, Jesus loves us, and all those irrational thinkings

  6. At 22:45 he says his NDE happened in 1994… However, when he is shown the past, present and future events, during his NDE; more specifically, when he was shown 911, he knew a 2nd plane was coming… How did he know that a 2nd plane was coming when his NDE took place BEFORE 911?

    Note, 911 happened in 2001 while his NDE took place in 1994…

    Sorry, I don't mean to discredit his experience, maybe I am missing a critical detail. But, I believe, as a Christian, it is our job to discern truth from fiction!!! And when I pick-up cues like these, alarm bells begin to sound within me! Also, where is Jesus Christ himself in this NDE? Since Jesus is my Brother who payed for all my transgressions, the first person I'd hope to see on the other side, would be Jesus Christ himself! That would be the biggest and highest honor for me! Even if it is just to personally say: "thank you" for what he has gone through to save me!

    I put ALL my trust and faith in JESUS CHRIST! without him I am a lost soul. I HAVE to see Him one day… That is why I live! Without Christ, my time on earth is a total waste of time!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this. I actually wasn't going to watch as I've watched many nde experiences, but I'm left very emotional. In a good, good way. So much information. I've had an experience being away from this realm in the light and infinity, and I realised love is the medium of all. Your information of the 9 principles is wonderful and so helpful as brings so much together. Thank you. And yes, I have my own special numbers.

  8. Down to earth guy (no pun intended). I listened twice to take it all in. It seems he had an NDE all alone in his room. Prior to hearing dozens of NDE's I might have suggested fever-induced delirium but this was way beyond that, for sure. Thank goodness he found the strength to get medical assistance. I can't recall other experiences where people were shown examples of loss they were yet to endure and I'm interested to know how that impacted his life? The exception is a story a physician shared at least 15 years ago when she drowned during a water rafting adventure years prior and was eventually resuscitated by her friends. She had been shown the future death of her then very young son at age 18. She struggled and suffered over the decision of whether to share with her husband – wisely, she did not. Her son was killed once he turned 18. Can anyone imagine living with that type of "prediction"? I suppose her only comfort was in the sheer beauty she said she had experienced during her NDE.

  9. I've tried to finish some more of these videos, but I never could. The story of this man, the way how he speaks, it really touches me, thank you for sharing this story.

  10. I had the same experience of overwhelming love and traveled through space coming to a galaxy of a pure presence that no words can describe. I also cried the greatest release of all negative emotions, "I home, I'm finally home." There is more but I only wanted to share our similar experience ❤❤❤

  11. Amazing how these videos always seem to attract certain types of Christians, adamant to tell you that the video is wrong and they have the answers. It's such an ugly arrogance.

  12. These spirtguides did they tell him that 9/11 was inside job? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. These warmongering pigs said Iraq has WMD and it was all LIE.

  13. I have been researching NDEs for 30+ years. I have read hundreds of research books on NDE. I take them very seriously. However, NDE future "prophecies" are problematic. If a thousand people report visions of the future, they will all be different stories with different outcomes. How do you reconcile all the different and conflicting future prophecy stories? Perhaps, the "Multiverse" theory explains the different stories and different future outcomes. It's a mystery.


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