Man DESTROYS 2 Women At Once In Mixed MMA Fight

A man fought and won easily against two women at the same time in a mixed MMA fight for a Romanian organization called RXF.
RXF official links –
John Stossel –
Pierce Morgan –
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22 thoughts on “Man DESTROYS 2 Women At Once In Mixed MMA Fight”

  1. This man is overweight has barely any training and has no headgear on. If you put a trained in shape man in the arena how many women do you think it would take to take him down?

  2. Just the other day I went into debate with some people about women in police force. I am from Czech republic btw. They claimed how women are important in police force because they can deescalate the situation and are better with kids. Well the video where I went into the debate was about some violent crazy man where the woman started screaming at him and he didn't care until the man came into picture and only then he started to retreat and calmed down instantly.

    Now imagine what we see in the video is the situation and these two women are police officers standing against man like this. Even with training and knowlege of combat they will be having really rought time to take him down. And this dude didn't even want to kill them, he just wanted to spar. Now imagine life and death situation. They are both dead.

  3. This whole debate about "women being stronger than men" or " Just as capable as men" or whatever is just dumb. They think because they give birth to children, that equates to being stronger or more capable, which doesn't make sense because their body is designed to give birth to children, doing exactly what it was made to do. So to an extent, yes they can handle that because their body is meant to handle it in most aspects, a man wouldn't be able to handle it because our bodies are not biologically designed to handle it. We handle many other things, that women can't handle at all.

    The egos on some of these women, i tell ya. It's not a bad thing that both men and women have major differences and as well as will never be equal because of those differences, but I see that as a horrible detriment. I see it as something that helps us stand apart from each other, and make us unique in our own ways. We can find equality in other aspects of life, but not in physicality.

  4. If we don't force disabled athletes to compete with non disabled athletes because it's unfair, the same logic should apply to trans athletes competing against other trans athletes

  5. Donna…era una BELLISSIMA parola, adesso e' uno dei più grandi e significativi INSULTI che si possano dire x OFFENDERE qualcuno !!! Troppo ridicole nei loro infondati e lagnosissimi atteggiamenti da BIMBOMINKIA ripetuti negli ultimi 50anni…andavano troppo RIMESSE A CUCCIA; DONNA (che sai solo LAGNARTI) fatti un grande ESAME DI COSCIENZA…se nemmeno quello riesci a fare, abbi almeno il BUON SENSO e la DECENZA di restare MUTA 🤫..Prima vi si rispettava, poi…povere quelle POCHE DONNE INTELLIGENTI e con 2 COGLIONI giganteschi sotto che devono mortificarsi e vergognarsi a causa di tante FEMMINE che ancora non vogliono capire quanto sia DURA e di ENORMI SACRIFICI la VITA di un UOMO(chiedere soprattutto alle donne che ancora piangono x esser diventate uomini, che hanno toccato con mano e quindi hanno finalmente capito in prima persona di come e quanto era più FACILE e VANTAGGIOSA la loro VITA da DONNA) !!!! dovete solo VERGOGNARVI e portare più RISPETTO(all' UOMO e/o in assoluto)…!!!!

  6. If it's actually scientifically equally fair for biological males to compete in women's sports against biological females, then you'd have to also agree that it's fair for biological women to compete in men's sports against biological men.

    But…… Hey, wait a minute right there. Why in the world were men's and women's sports created separately in the first place???!!!

    And why have males been the ones who physically protect their tribes and nations from violent threats to their homelands?
    If biological women are supposedly just as physically capable as biological men…..

    Why is this even an issue to debate?!
    How many female injuries and even unnecessary fatalities will it take for society to realize this?


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