Man Almost Checks Out On Life | Goes His Own Way And Finds Success

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37 thoughts on “Man Almost Checks Out On Life | Goes His Own Way And Finds Success”

  1. Never be afraid of trying new things a little outside your comfort zone. Remember amateur's built the ARK and professionals built the Titanic. — Unknown — Some of my best experiences have come from having the courage to try new things in life. πŸ™‚

  2. This is the first podcast I watch from you, and I was pleasantly surprised. I rarely get through 1h20 podcasts from other sources than Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson. Congratulations

  3. Bro thank you for your vids . Me almost 30 years old. I thought I was running against the clock to find a partner,etc..But now I realize anything is possible . Just have to better yourself . Thanks

  4. The Romanian proverb is ad litteram "Chasing two rabbits."

    I wish all the best to you, but what you got was the result of incredible luck in both your professional and relationship areas. Imagine having a skill that is sought after by a rich niche that has further contacts in similar areas, and friends with similar interests so that they can promote you. Not everyone can have that.

  5. This guy is amazing. Thank you very much for sharing your story. It really helps me and probably lots of others push through the sludge at the beginning of our journey. Hearing stuff like what you achieved makes me want to work harder in life.

  6. Great podcast about turning your life around. Perseverance in the face of hardship. Falling down and picking yourself back up. Taking a moment to be grateful and leaning into appreciation for life. Finding a good group of men to surround yourself with is paramount to mental, physical and spiritual health. Best of luck boys.

  7. This is an amazing interview, it might not get the most views like the tiktok reactions but the content is near Joe Rogan Quality. I like how he was so honest about himself and what he went through. Do more of these πŸ‘

  8. He thinks exactly like me lol! When i regularly work out and try to get to a point in mass and body fat i just measure the food like that. Is this taste worth this amount of calories that men this amount of running πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. Working out does makes wonders for me too. I stopped 1 week and started to be miserable again. I'm listening to this while working out ! Let's go brothers keep up the good work

  10. If you see this Pressley, your story is pure inspiration. I hope everyone that takes the time to watch this creates the best life for themselves. Bo, you're awesome for putting this together, best of luck to the future of your channel and message. Went through a terrible break up in 2020 and that propelled me to value myself better, earn my success, and search for people that hold the same values.


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