Making Home Better Through Upgrading Stores ~ Big Ambitions

Big Ambitions is a revolutionary role-playing business sim. Go from nothing to the biggest entrepreneur in New York by opening small businesses or slowly building huge corporations any way you like.

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26 thoughts on “Making Home Better Through Upgrading Stores ~ Big Ambitions”

  1. At around the 30 min mark you entered a store with HUGE isles and forklifts. you can actually drive your car through the store itself. Yup, it's a drive through store. Good job in getting your revenue cranked up. Once you have a steady source of income then more options open up.
    If I remember correctly I used to put light colored floors in my shops in order to see where the dirt was. It's not as important once you get dedicated janitors, but in the meantime, as you found out, it is a struggle to clean entirely.

  2. Should hire a part time person for each store, set them to like 2 hours a day on the cleaning station, that way you are not having to do that, I do understand it does cost you some money.

  3. if you go to the bank up north you can take out a big loan 100k plus and its only like 400 a day if you want to to make some decent money open a gift shop on a main street something with high customer capacity sell expensive and cheap gifts there you will make 2 to 5k a day if its open for 8 hours a day if you keep it open for 16 hours a day you can make up to 15k a day also put storage shelfs in your store the small ones and i always hire multiple employes at once and train them to 100 and switch them to stores once there train if your employes are 100 percent it will raise your customer satisfaction to 100

  4. The customers coming in to your store while you are there is purely for looks. The only thing that matters is the numbers in Bizman. Also, there is a bug that if you go in your business during business hours it hurts your business. Try to design and stock during hours its closed.

  5. Hey Grill, I want to help you with the game. Even though the game is on a guided setting, a bunch of stuff is not explained. Almost all streamers are rushing through and missing the small details. These details make a huge difference. First, most people just take the store with the cheapest rent without looking at “traffic Index” and “customer capacity” then rush to get store opened…without looking at where to buy wholesale and prices. For example, open map, you toggle wholesale and click the building “NY Distro” it has a button to open bizman…on the right is hours and under that is a button, “Browse store inventory” and also shows approx. prices.

    So, your stores open, and your not really making money, but then you buy stock at cheaper prices and things look a bit better. You can open bizman and choose your store, the right side under “customers” is super important. It lists your appliances etc. they have green or yellow dots next to them. Green is good yellow indicates you may need more than what you have. The bottom right of that box show’s building limit and current capacity per hour…If those two numbers are the same you’re good…if the right one is red look for a yellow dot and fix it.

    Now the box below that is “Customers over time”…with toggles for yesterday and 7 days. If you toggle yesterday you can see how many customers you had and at what time. You may need to experiment with different hours. 9 to 5 or 12 to 8 etc. adjust till it works.

    As for appeasing customer complaints just go to IKEA and get the $30 rug, a $300 painting 🖼️ and a computer speaker around $80…bigger stores may need more items

    Misc. Tips… don’t sleep in your car…it makes you sad. Benches seem fine. Don’t illegally park, got a automatic fine $125 taken from bank.

    That’s all I can think of so far, only been playing since release. I hope that helps you or someone else. I’m enjoying the game and look forward to watching you play more.

  6. The huge stores in this game are really cool. I think I’ve been to an Ikea once, and they really captured the chaotic maze of that place. Lol. I can’t believe you earned so much money all at once after struggling for what felt like a long time. That’s awesome. I hope the stores continue to grow, because I really enjoy this game.


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