Making a Very Difficult Decision with Beatrix the Rescue Toucan

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31 thoughts on “Making a Very Difficult Decision with Beatrix the Rescue Toucan”

  1. I found you when you lost Ripley, and got Toupac, then through to Maeve, and to Beatrix at the present day. I don't talk much, but I feel for you. I have exotic pets too, and I know the heartbreak.
    My heart goes to you.

  2. I am so sorry, man…I know how hard it is to lose an animal companion. But I fully believe that the time you had with her was the best she ever had, you did so much for her and I think she knew that. Even with her biting I think she knew you were her friend and were trying to help her in every way possible. Now she can rest easy. Take as much time as you need to get through this, we all understand. And I hope that the family she came from gets the Karma they deserve.

  3. Your knowledge of the species is golden. I hope you are writing it all down so that k owledge isn't lost. I am a rehabber. My spot is opossums. Vets know little nothing about them, and it is so nice when they actually listen to what you know. I am so sorry about Beatrix. It's never easy saying farewell. Peaceful journey, sweet girl.

  4. I know this is painful dude I still haven't fully recovered from our once in a lifetime cat who saved me countless times from suicide it sucks I wish there was a way make them live for ever or least lot longer if you never been in this situation I'll just say this it's going to be hell it will beat you up you may become distant

  5. To paraphrase my favorite scene from Scrubs;
    I am proud of you. Not because you did the best you could for Beatrix (which you did) – But because after all these years of taking in these broken birds… You still take the losses this hard. That's the kind of pet owner I want to be.

  6. My heart goes out to you my dear… Being a wildbird rehabilitator for 20+ years it is never easy i care for wildbirds as well as domestic ones that are pets and my heart aches for your pain… I empathize with you and to say being there for her helped her get to the other side and you did the best for her.. Take care and much love to you and your other beloved pets…❤❤❤

  7. Birds are such fragile creatures,being built for flight..
    Don't apologize for for crying or rambling! You did well,much better than i could've done in this gut wrenching situation. Beatrice,lived a MUCH better life, when you came in and got her,she had a much bigger cage to hope around in,then that amazing aviary you built for her to spread her wings,she had other birds to play with you gave her all of that. I think some where deep down she does know that,and she is greatful..

  8. Euthanasia is the hardest act of love you can perform. Beatrix started badly, but she ended safe, loved, and free to bite you as she wished. You did good by her, Brock. Don't forget that.

    May Beatrix's memory be a blessing.

  9. 13:38 I'm so sorry 😢 I love animals, have had them in my life since I was born, they're family, and losing them and seeing them in pain is absolutely soul and heart shattering. I lost my girl Trinity about 7 years ago, she was my best friend, and for years helped me make it through living in an abusive home without her I would've just given up, heartbreakingly she had a disease that was attacking her nervous system slowly paralyzing her there was no cure and making the impossible choice of having her euthanized was the hardest decision of my life and my biggest regret is that I was too much of a pussy to be there with her in her final moments I couldn't stand to see it was too emotionally upset and felt like if I was there i'd try to stop the vet from doing it genuinely felt like I murdered her and that I didn't fight harder for her instead of just letting it happen (took months for me to be able to talk or even think about her without being in tears and even years later it still affects me a lot) and that's on top of all my other beautiful very much loved animals throughout my life that i've lost and while animals bring me a lot of happiness and love in the back of my mind I know i'll lose them one day (I grew up with birds my mom had them but other then that I have no experience all of my animals have always been cats, dogs, snakes, and lizards all of which live way shorter lives then us so unless something happens to me and I die young losing them is very real and that fear can be all consuming if I think about it too much but on the flip side the happiness I get from them makes up for that). Tbh I had tears in my eyes typing this out and watching your video, as someone who has experienced it I know nothing I say will make it better but just know you aren't alone ❤️ I'm not very good with emotions and probably ranted in my comment haha but wishing you lots of love 😊

  10. Brook You don’t have to apologize. You love your 2cans as we all do. I’m so sorry for your loss, I also have leaky eyes as probably everyone else that is watching. You gave Beatrix a loving home and friends. We love you and Beatrix and the flock. You just take all the time to grieve, we’ll still be here for you. Loves

  11. Brock..just saw your video. I was very upset at what happened to this beautiful little bird but just think what might have happened if you had not rescued her. She would not have had four great years with you!. She was sent to you for a reason and you did a wonderful thing by taking her in and loving that little bird. Don't apologise for being upset.. it shows the kind, wonderful person that you are and I hope you will overcome your grief in the given time and continue your journey with these gorgeous little toucans. Hugs from New Zealand.

  12. You never have to apologize for your emotions, Brock. I think it's beautiful that you care so much for these little birds and I know that they're not just birds to you.
    They're your family and your best friends. You love them like they are a part of you and losing them hurts you. I don't know you in person, but I wish I could give you a hug.

  13. Oh Brother, from one animal rescue to another, sometimes the beatings, starvation, lack of love and forced fighting are just to much. Once their spirit is broken is breaks easily after that.
    Death is better sometimes.
    You will be in my thoughts.

  14. Keep us updated on the results of what was wrong with her.

    I got to be honest, after many years keeping and breeding exotic birds, I no longer take them to a vet. All the vets I have used charge extortionate amounts of money and don't know what they are doing with exotic animals.

    I treat sick birds with medication for poultry. This covers the most common ailments. If a bird is suffering from a serious strange dieseae then it will die any way even with expensive vet treatment..or have to be on lifelong treatment. Also they will pose a danger to my other birds.

  15. Beatrix would never have made it that far if it hadn't been for you. You gave her all you could and you were with her until the very end. This is the promise we give to our pet friends and you were able to fulfill it.

    Beatrix knew she was loved and cared about, even though she'd probably never admit it.

    Rest well, little girl ❤️

  16. having someone you love nearby is the best way to go. she went from hamster cage to Avery full of birds, a chief and a chew toy. she moved on up in life. thats all because of you. you will help all Bea's in this world va social media. not to be any more hamster cages, dog food.💔 one bird at a time. one life at a time.


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