Making A Rap With A Guy Who Doesn't Think Rap is Music

It’s Knockoff Kurtis Conner channeling diehard liberals Fantano and Hasan, today we are looking at a right wing rapper who made a song with online political commentator who doesn’t think rap is music for attention. We also look at how he is so lost in his grift that he has become a different person than he was a couple years ago and just contradicts himself.

Ending song is a parody of Lost In The Static by After The Burial



40 thoughts on “Making A Rap With A Guy Who Doesn't Think Rap is Music”

  1. Most of this seems to be a commentary ignoring their interview they had with each other. Where tom mentioned how ben didnt think rap was music and tom joked about him reading WAP and that he might just put him on a song if the people would want it.
    Yes tom had i think 2 albums of garbage. Which he acknowledges was garbage, on drugs and his alcoholism. He's not being hypocritical, he grew up and doesn't want people to go through what he did.

  2. Interesting content 😮
    Just have to fill you in. Ben said he came up with his own bars initially, but had to tone them down after talking back and forth with Tom. No idea if that’s true or not, but it did seem rather genuine. ✌️

  3. Early on… sure you can argue he was being ignorant but was atleast speaking from his own view of the world. But that was a lot of peoples view of the world. Dont really care about the "oh poor white boy" but around that time people were being told nothing they did was of value because of the pigment of their skin color and people were told they were responsible for the sins of their ancestors. Im not against learning about these things but when Jane Elliots experiment has turned into life in the classroom….. thats an issue. Its supposed to be a learning experience not another way to spread hate in the world.

    As for him in general. Yeah he kinda has turned into a grifter. And i blame the left for that. Why do i? Instead of recognizing the problematic people on their side they joined the attack regardless of their own personal morals and basically pushed him to the right where they dont generally like his music. But they will take him because the left hates him and every newer song has more talking points they agree with.

  4. So I found out about Tom MacDonald through one of his diss tracks for Mac lethal, and I'm not gonna lie, Tom destroyed Mac lethal in a way that's almost on par with an Eminem diss track, Mac lethal even made a song literally giving up to Tom. So I was like, bet this dudes music must be amazing….and holy fuck his music sucks, not even just because of his dog shit political opinions, but because it literally feels like he's not even trying. His Mac lethal diss track is a million times better than his grifting nonsense songs and I'm honestly confused. The guy actually has some talent and he's wasting it by endlessly trying to appeal to far right American politics, even though he's from Canada.


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