Major winter storm and Arctic cold expected right before Christmas

A major outbreak of bitter Arctic air is expected just before Christmas. Temperatures in the Northern Plains could be more than 30 or 40 degrees below normal for late December. The cold will grip most of the U.S. east of the Rockies. West will actually be mild.

That would will be pulled south and east by A large and impactful winter storm. While uncertainty exists in the exact area affected as of Saturday Dec. 17, travel will be significantly impacted starting Dec. 22 in the Upper Midwest, and expanding into Northeast.

The Arctic air could send sub-freezing temperatures south of Orlando. Miami could fall into the 30s Christmas Eve morning.


25 thoughts on “Major winter storm and Arctic cold expected right before Christmas”

  1. I just had to leave a comment. I haven't watched the T. V. and especially the so called
    "news" for over two years now. I believe that most of the anxiety and depression of the united states comes from B.S. news that really doesn't pertain to us, is an outright lie or the truth is very far stretched to keep people watching. It's really just about filling their pockets. Please people, stop feeding into the B.S.!!

  2. Reparation to God is required for not living according to his rules. Read the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima, Blessed Elena Aiello etc. This is part of the chastisement mankind is going to suffer for thumbing his nose at God.

  3. Boo boo I hate this time of the year like I wanna hear anything else about the winter the only thing good is Christmas and there’s no mosquitoes I don’t know I’ll take the summer any dayI’m in Fairfax County Virginia and it is coldI’m confident I’m not so confident like he likes the cold weather or something sucks

  4. Ok, let's keep listening to the government and its BS CLimate Change crap. I have known that we were going into an iceage for more than a decade. They have proven that within ice cores as CO2 rises in the atmosphere, an Ice age occures afterwards. I would look at growning your own food and canning for storage. If you can have a green house, all the better. I know that i will be looking at what a Swedish couple did, they built a green house around their home. Outside temps may be -10C but inside the Dome is 16C. They spoke of how warm it becomes in the summer. So they have windows that open to let out the hot air. What an amazing system.

  5. Accept you are a sinner and need a savior then repent. Believe in the death buriel and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ on the 3rd day. Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart Jesus is your Lord and Savior you will be saved.


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