Major Discoveries About Lightning and a Laser Experiment To Control It

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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about new incredible discoveries about lightning and our new ability to control it using lasers
Another lightning phenomenon:
Lightning and life on Earth:
#lightning #laser #physics

0:00 History of Lightning Discoveries and the Iconic Kite Experiment
3:00 Why It’s Important to Understand Lightning
5:20 New Research on Lasers and Guiding Lightning
6:55 How It Possibly Works…We Think
8:00 How Zigzags in Lightning Work
9:45 Largest Lightning Ever Found
10:00 Unusual Minerals and Life on Earth

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TRUMPF/Martin Stollberg, Houard et al., Nature Photonics, 2023)
Sebastien D’ARCO, animation by Koba-chan CC BY-SA 2.5
Anynobody CC BY-SA 3.0
Maxime Raynal CC BY 2.0
Denis huber CC BY-SA 4.0
International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/A. Smith – CC BY 4.0
Bohemianroots CC BY-SA 3.0
Raul Heinrich CC BY-SA 3.0
Wdchk CC BY-SA 3.0
John Alan Elson – CC BY-SA 4.0

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45 thoughts on “Major Discoveries About Lightning and a Laser Experiment To Control It”

  1. Does nobody else when they hear "laser-guided lightning" immediately think "death ray"? If lasers can guide lightning AWAY from key infrastructure, what's to stop someone from using it to guide it TOWARD key infrastructure? It's like Nicola Tesla's passion project he tried cobble together during WWII to take down German bomber planes and kept insisting calling it a "Peace Ray." It just took 80 years to be made a reality.

  2. To be fair wasn't Nikola Tesla very hip on the laser/lightning correlation? I remember reading a quote that he was testing a weather weapon in his later years and stated "I'm not exactly sure what it's doing but my guess is something, somewhere" or something to that sorts. Shame he was underestimated and not taken up on. Or maybe he was…

  3. I noticed rocks on s property my family owns that would usually be busted or cracked like how a windshild can crack when a rock hits it and spiderweb out from the impact location. These rocks also contain crytals in vain like patterns, even stranger was these rocks always had tiny little ant like bugs all over them but the bugs did not have ant piles around the rocks they seemed to just be mining the crystal like substance and carrying it away. I loved finding these rocks as they have the most beautiful crystals and patterns and the rocks are easy to find as they are about a foot or so big and sometimes in groups of a few or maybe it was a large one broken up….I wonder if lighting causes these rocks….I've only found them on the surface and on some on what's the highest ground in that area.

  4. Use a laser to guide lightning into a big bucket of clay. It should be sterile before going up to the top. I can design one that won't need to be exposed to the elements, keeping it sterile. Perhaps the lab-scale experiments don't have enough power? A dumpster-sized bucket should do. Instant fulgurite!

  5. SciShow covered this laser experiment a while back. I asked my friend if he approved this research, and here's his reply…

    I review proposals from the tower group, but not this one.

    My take on this is that if you build a house around an elephant,
    then you will be the first to have an elephant in your house.

    This is NOT capturing downward leaders. But it is a step
    that MIGHT improve public interest that might then lead
    to funding of research that might eventually work.

  6. A theory I've had since highschool is that the Earth's magnetic field is what allows for lightning. More specifically, as the clouds pass through the magnetic field they build up a static charge. As the clouds don't have any ways to discharge electricity via contact with conductive material, it builds. The main factor that determines the potential charge is the amount of water and impurities in the cloud, which is why bigger and darker clouds produce lightning. The second factor is how far the cloud travels and where it travels. For example a cloud in the equator can become a tropical storm and produce lightning quickly as the clouds pass over the largest part of the magnetic field. This could also explain why clouds on other planets also produce lightning, they may not be using water but other compounds and materials that can hold a charge.
    A fun thing to note is that if we ever wanted to as a civilization we could use the clouds to transfer and receive electricity. Receiving is the easy part as we already have ways to convert high voltage electricity into low voltage via a transformer. We just need to build a very large transformer that can take the electricity, we can guide the lightning right to the spot it needs to. Now the hard part is sending it as we would need to create more clouds and ruin the climate, we are already doing that, and charge the clouds which we don't know how to do yet.
    Still I've always been fascinated by lightning and this video was really fascinating

  7. I have been preaching about this for 4 years now. They can also reverberate energy off the atmosphere back into the ground to create earthquakes, and let's not even get into what you can do when you blast lasers into the ionosphere during hurricanes and tornadoes.

  8. Fascinating video. But it does contain one extremely puzzling point. At 5:45 you say "…terawatt laser…" off-handedly. How are you going to obtain1TW for that laser? Consider a typical nuclear power plant, such as Japan's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant; it puts out about 8GW of power. But that's only about 0.008TW. So to power a 1TW laser, one would need 125 of the world's largest power plants. Not only would the energy bill be in the hundreds of billions of dollars per day, but the laser would need hundreds of high-power transmission lines — each costing hundreds of billions of dollars — to power it. So how can this be done? And how are the required trillions of dollars going to be funded? There's not that much money on Earth.

  9. I wish Anton Petrov would do a video on metasurface lenses. There are lots of articles about how they could replace cameras on phones but I don't understand how they'd actually get clear images. My best understanding is that they'd lead to images so poor that they'd be useless for cameras but the articles and research papers I find argue they're great and very useful. My best understanding is that metasurface lenses work a lot like Fresnel lenses which are useless for cameras due to uselessly poor focus for light coming from a few degrees off axis. The main problem with a Fresnel lens is that it has no single focal length. Instead, it has a different focal length for each ring going out from its center. Since all focal lengths match distance from their ring to the focal point, a Fresnel lens can focus light to a point. The range of focal lengths fails horribly when light comes from any other direction, though, by blurring streaks out from the focal point.

    I want to know what the biggest weaknesses are of metasurface lenses because everything I can find seems very biased toward saying only good things about them. Can metasurface lenses actually create clear images when Fresnel lenses can't? If yes, how?

  10. Oh they discovered a very expensive way to make the lightning do a little curve before striking the rod the it was going to strike anyway.

    I know this comment is stqpid and there are way more implications and conclusions we can extract from this discovery, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed with our contemporary scientists. I wanted to see at least one revolution, a paradigm shift, to discover that something we took for granted was completely wrong, but it doesn't look like its gonna happen =(

  11. Brainfart:
    maybe it would be possible to diverge a few dozens of laserbeams onto one point intersected by a stronger one. Thus directing a lightning strike and dividing it and it's current into one day manageable smaller parts and store their energy in super capacitors. Once material science has cought up.

  12. Take a big balloon airship. Mount huge powerful laser, generator/alternator, and Tesla coil on it. Now you have a way to direct your own lightning strikes to the ground. Essentially a floating death castle.

  13. They've been doing laser guided lightning experiments for several decades now. Nothing new here at all!! And yes, the previous experiments did work. They even used the research on how laser ionizes channel in the air to make it conductive as a basis for a great weapon. They can use path ionized by laser as a channel for very high current pulse. How do you think missile defense system works?


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