Mail Time & Chat ~ March Edition

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19 thoughts on “Mail Time & Chat ~ March Edition”

  1. I need to find that picture frame, that is cool looking! The Clif Bars are good, though I keep forgetting they're in my backpack and end up getting squashed…all the same though as long as the package doesn't open, cause, that's happened, lol. Lots of nice gifts!

  2. The book is written by Timothy Renner who has an amazing podcast called Strange Familiars. I believe the gentleman is from the York County area but he touches on history all over South Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania from a supernatural perspective.

  3. i accidentally found a covered bridge the other day. it was really nice. dreibelbis station i think? hopefully i’ll find a sticker there one day. that book you got is from the strange familiars people. ok thanks.

  4. Hi Cliff mail time at your house is always fun. The sandwich keeper was cool, keeps sandwich from being mashed by something else too. I liked the water filter idea too. Remember your "untake this'" when you are grading papers, we all let our tongue get ahead of our brain from time to time. LOL. My son is a pilot and we took a 2 day course in surviving in the wilderness should you have to land there. If snow you can use that for water but for warmer times they had suggested keeping a water purifying kit in the plane. That filter is a great idea if you can use it for drinking water of unknown quality.

  5. When I see the thoughtful and meaningful gifts people send to you, it makes think they really do like you. They're not just saying it! I really do like you, too, by the way and am so thankful to you for sharing your travels with all of us. 🌻

  6. YaY!!! This is great @Cliff!!! It's always nice to get permission to explore private land. Hopefully those folks will appreciate you sharing their natural locations <3


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