MAIL OPENING Gifts for Dogs, Cat and Humans THANK YOU

Thank you so much to those that have sent us parcels in the mail. The dogs think it’s wonderful. The gifts are so very thoughtful and do mean a lot to us. Chance is adding mail opening day to his growing list of favourite things, right up there with salon day. What a big cuddle bug.

*There are only a few 2023 Farm Calendar Left!!*
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47 thoughts on “MAIL OPENING Gifts for Dogs, Cat and Humans THANK YOU”

  1. Noticed Chancy hanging around more and looks like his nose is looking better for it, would a thick papaw cream (like Vaseline) help with a skin protection barrier for him? Little boff head, yummy munchin 🙂 ps loving the bandana, like a cape. Think Chance is keen to get some extended daddy, mummy and Chancy eye contact with cuddles time.

  2. Chance just absolutely adores Luke! Such a beautiful thing to watch. I just love hearing all the squeaking going on…..I can't help cracking up!

  3. Chancey Boy is just evolving n his behavior so beautiful and he's really taken off trying to b a good boy and participate n the pack activities. And he never stops giving the world his beautiful Smile!!

  4. If there were 2 dogs that you could strap a Go Pro too, I'd pick Chance and Deisel. Chance so we could see what he does on his exploring and Deisel just to see how much ground he covers in a day 😆

  5. I haven’t been watching your channel for very long, but watching this video I have to say I’m impressed – you take your time opening and discovering what is in the packages, and are genuinely appreciative of each gift, which speaks volumes about the kind of people you are to your huuuman counterparts as well as your pack. Seems like we all love you!! ❤

  6. Those spring rolls are my favorite and I think those noodles are called cellophane noodle. It's a translucent noodle. What fun watching how excited the dogs all get for package opening time.

  7. Congratulations on 65000 subscribers 😍! Our community is growing day by day! Thank you for your videos, which brighten our days and everything you do for the doggies! ❤❤❤

  8. Freddo, Roscoe and Chance 🤣they are a perfect example why I adore big doggo’s , they’re the biggest sooks , they look so imposing yet the biggest cuddle bunnies, toy lovin, bath n boom boom wet weather fearing, 🤣🧡blouses. Buuut, we still adore every gorgeous doggo there is🐾🐾🧡❤️Those squeaker’s are everything 😂🤣. Oh Sam, I was cracking up with your comment on the horseradish 😂🤣 I feel your mouth was burning just thinking about it. Faith 🧡🙏🏻🧡

  9. The humans love watching the pressie opening but no as much as the doggos. So so cute 🥰 to ❤ it is amazing to see the big dufus Roscoe and the big teddy bear Chance head to head on the table for parcel opening. Brings such a smile and warmth to the heart ♥️

  10. Have you an aloe Vera plant at home. That will help Chances skin. Slice it open combe the slime into a frothy mix, then use as a face wash or sun protection for skin as well as allergies.

  11. Robin here; thank you for opening the parcel I sent you… I have learned my lesson: I’ll send no more doggy treats from the US; I sent that package on Oct 31, and I am amazed and humbled by the care Australia Customs took, and allowed the parcel to pass through minus the dried fish skin treats. Unfortunately I sent a Christmas package in early December that is sitting still in Customs, because it contains beef bully sticks (in addition to the dog toys sent); I wonder if that is one of the packages that has failed to pass Customs (I have received no notification). Oh, well… lesson learned! So glad you received the iron-on patches and the children’s book! Your fan, Robin

  12. I’d recognize a box of North Pole salted caramels in a heartbeat! Had them in my stocking as well this year. Purdy’s chocolates are the best. They are a family tradition in our stockings here in British Columbia, Canada. Some great gifts today! Sasha’s mommy has a great imagination!

  13. Wow !! Aunty Chris those spring rolls !! What the hack best cook eva. Is the heat of the day sapping your enegy levels aunt Maggie. Chancee boy all about big cuddles today with uncle Luke. I'm a Good boy sure is you alrite. 💯💥

  14. What nice gifts from all of the friends of Farm (FOF!). Mail day is popular with all of us in the packs!. Diesel puzzles me; stays so detached, and runs for the birds. He seems different, both in breed (?) and behaviors. Maybe it's just the teacher/grandmother/animal lover in me. Any
    viewpoints from the vets or other viewers? Best to all the Evans family, the staff, and the rest of us. peace

  15. Always love the parcel opening and watching the dogs reactions – they're so excited, too! My favorite moments, however, were Chancey Boy trying for a big cuddle session with Luke. Be still my heart! So lovely watching Luke melt like butter every time Chance reached for a snuggle. I'm gonna have to watch that again! 🥰🥰🥰

  16. I love that Luke samples what's inside of every package. Whether for the dogs or humans. Most people don't do that. It makes package day all the more special!!! You guys rock!!!!

  17. Omg am so behind in my videos……slowly…slowly…….Chance has captured my heart ❤️ don’t tell Lily n Bandit…..would give anything to have those cuddles…..much love ❤️ always

  18. I see a number 18 in your future. 😊 Tilly, Joey, CP, banjo, Matilda, Rosie, shadow, Miss Violet, Miss red. Freddo, lily, Barney, Maggie, hope, chop chop, tank, and future number 18 is chancy boy?😂 thank you for sharing. Love how all the doggos get involve with the package routine.

  19. What happened to Luke's little finger? That looks like a hell of a cut/slash on it! I noticed it was bandaged a few videos ago.

    Chance is being a real snuggle bunny isn't he? Love that boy to bits!! 🤗❤❤❤❤


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