Magick, Money and Strippers – with Dane Tomas and Mark Walsh #TEP466

Esoteric Entrepreneur Dane joins me to talk magick, Golden Dawn, how to choose a practice, BJJ, “magick” stereotypes, money shadows, the state of the world, conscious sexuality, and the evolutionary journey of “counter culture”.

#magickmoneyandstrippers #danetomas #markwalsh #embodiment #magick #strippers #money #esotericentrepreneur #conscioussexuality #sterotypes #counterculter #goldendawn #bjj #howtochooseapractice

A far ranging and unusual one.

About Dane :

My 3 main obsessions are:

Creativity, Business, and.. Magick.

That makes me someone who loves building and creating businesses almost as much as he loves writing, speaking, rapping and ritual.

It also means I’m uniquely positioned to help “Spiritual People” bring their offerings into the world in a way that feels aligned for them.

In 2012 I created a potent healing and transformational technology called the Spiral. It was based on NLP, kinesiology, the scale of consciousness and the chakra system.

To date 10,000s of people have had their lives transformed by the process and hundreds of people have built livelihoods as ‘Spiral Practitioners’.

I wrote the book “Clear Your Shit” which explained the method in great detail and switched many thousands of people onto the benefits of “emotional clearing”.

After 9 years and a lot of evolution and ego death, I sold The Spiral Institute and dedicated myself to treating myself and my life as my own magical work of art.

I decided I would no longer “play it safe” and went all in on my meditations and magical practices and.. things began to change rapidly.

I returned to making music.

I began fusing art with magickl, tantric practice and ritual theatre.

I also started writing and speaking more openly about the colorful world I inhabit.

As I “graduated” The Spiral I realized I wasn’t afraid of what people thought of me.

This meant my work and expression became a little less “PC” and my brand started to reflect what I was really like on the inside.

I decided to dedicate myself to helping awakened and embodied souls be more successful in the material world.

I devoted myself to equipping all emerging witches, wizards, priests and priestess as well as embodied leaders and spiritual facilitators and coaches of all kinds to:

1. Make their gifts and offerings more potent and powerful.

2. RECEIVE more of the wealth and abundance they deserve in exchange for what they contribute.

I became 100% committed to living my life as a wealthy, creative, embodied magician and offering it up as an example of what’s possible.

Sometimes this feels vulnerable and awkward but.. It’s also a LOT of fun.


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✅Who is Mark Walsh?

“Mr. Embodiment” is the author of “Embodiment”, “The Body in Coaching and Training”, and “Embodied Meditation”. He hosts “The Embodiment Podcast” (over 1 million downloads), and led “The Embodiment Conference” (1000 teachers, 500,000 delegates). Seeing a theme yet?

He founded the “Embodied Facilitator Course”, and has trained over 2000 embodiment coaches in over 40 other countries (some of which will even let him back in).

Mark gained an honours in psychology (despite being an alcoholic at the time), and has taught widely in the corporate world where he pretended to be a grown up for years, including with blue-chip companies (e.g. Google, Unilever, Shell, Axa, L’Oreal) whom he charged wayyyy too much as they made him wear a suit.

He has also upset… sorry, taught… many yogis, NGOs, police officers and several militaries.

Mark has worked in war zones, and entertained over 50,000 children. He has headlined International Coach Federation events, taught at universities, lived with the circus in Ethiopia, founded the Sane Ukraine project, wowed celebrities and kissed a princess.

Mark is an aikido black belt, and also has 25 years of experience of other martial arts, with yoga, bodywork, improv comedy, conscious dance and meditation.

Embodiment is his obsession, life’s work, and frankly at this point he couldn’t get a job doing anything else. He dances like your dad at a wedding, overshares about his gorgeous Ukrainian wife, and offends pirates with his swearing.

He is now tired of writing in the third person.

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