Magic Numbers #78: PLaying 5C in MOM draft

5C strategies in Limited are undoubtedly fun. But they are also tricky to execute, hard to master and laden with mana issues, which lower your win rate. This episode I look at the 17Lands data of 4 and 5 color decks in MOM to try and figure out, what makes a 5C strategy tick. Key cards, how much fixing is enough, reasons to go 5C and traps associated with this approach.

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1 thought on “Magic Numbers #78: PLaying 5C in MOM draft”

  1. Just came off a 6-3 with invasion of alara + etali(which was passed to me) was stuck in GWr splashing ub did some nasty things with invasion of tolvada buying back one of my 7 drops, an etali the opp had an answer for, or the combo with Gloomfang mauler.


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