Magic Missile & Death Saving Throws | What's the Rule?!

It seems pretty unclear what happens when an unconscious PC gets hit with a Magic Missile. Our Dungeon Master, Matt, had to do extensive research. Here’s what he came up with in regards to Magic Missile and Death Saving Throws.

A highlight from Season 2, Chapter 37, “You Lonely Live Once”:
Join us at 5pm ET today, April 21st, for the YT premier of the episode!

If you are new to Dungeons & Dragons – or if you are a Dungeon Master looking for inspiration – or if you are a general ttrpg enthusiast – you’ve come to the right place.

The Dungeon Master…. Matt
Orba the Tiefling Wizard…. Jordan
Graven the Goliath Cleric-Fighter… Anthony
Safira the Half-Elf Ranger…. Riley
Erland the Half-Elf Monk…. John

We use TaleSpire as our VTT (3D virtual tabletop system) for all battlemaps in this episode. Check them out on Steam here:

Coastal Hideout:
“The Beautiful Beach” by createmos
“Island Outpost” by koti.saavedra

Enjoy our top YouTube Shorts!
Mumbling Arrow Maker :
Weddu :
Wedd 2 :
The D&D Rat:
Level Six character stat sheets:

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17 thoughts on “Magic Missile & Death Saving Throws | What's the Rule?!”

  1. The designers of 5th edition made the rules a bit loose so that dms can interpret the rules in their own way. So the answer to the question is whatever the dm says.

    This was wotc's attempt to swing people over to 5th edition from pathfinder and 3rd edition because 4th edition wasn't selling well (amongst various other things.)

  2. DMing is tough because of situations like this, and I am loath to tell any DM they're wrong in a game with so much room for interpretation (unless I feel like they're doing something genuinely damaging to other players). Matt clearly has no ill intent, and so either interpretation would be fair in this instance.

    But I'm glad this is how he chose to handle it.

    Still, waiting two weeks to find out was BRUTAL. =)

  3. I've researched this before. Magic Missile explicitly says all of them hit at the exact same time it's only one death save.
    However this also means if magic missile does enough damage it can very much instakill you with overkill damage.

    Magic missile only triggers multiple death or concentration saves if you attack multiple targets that all are either concentrating or unconscious.

  4. Okay, so heres the thing magic missile is 3/4/5 etc separate missiles it says so in its description. "You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several." They just hit you at the same time. This would literally be like 3 people standing over you and at the same time they just all swing their dagger. Each counts as a separate hit, but still a hit meaning you took 3 hits and fail 3 death saves – you die.

  5. The "sorcerer" rule clarification from Jeremy was probably about the Evocation Wizard's ability to add their intelligence modifier to damage rolls of spells. Jeremy specifically stated that because magic missile only rolls one d4 and all the darts hits simultaneously, the Evocation Wizard would add their damage to all the darts because, in terms of damage, it's one dart.

    GMing is tough. DMing even more so. D&D is complicated and things happen. I would have killed the character just because that's what makes spells like magic missile and eldritch blast very, very useful. Concentration checks and death saving throws. That's how a wizard can kill someone, permanently. However, this isn't my table at all and I'm glad everyone (hopefully) survived.

  6. If Magic Missile forces to make three separate Concentration checks it means they are three separate hits, so they would have to work the same way with Death Sving Throws. Jeremy Crawford is being too soft here. I don't like that ruling and I won't use it on my games.


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