Mad Cop Tries To Force Man To Identify After Doing This…

Mad Cop Tries To Force Man To Identify After Doing This…

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DISCLAIMER: This content should never be regarded as legal advice under any circumstances. It is produced to review and analyse these encounters and help the viewers better understand the scenarios taking place in the videos. This content also demonstrates why it is important to handle these encounters correctly.


26 thoughts on “Mad Cop Tries To Force Man To Identify After Doing This…”

  1. Mr Popo. Panhandling ordinances are illegal in all 50 states. Aggressive panhandling ordinances are legal and that is if you follow people around demanding money. But regular panhandling is considered free speech, because everyone has the right to ask for help. Supreme Court has ruled on this already. Also you don't get ID unless a crime is being committed, 4th Amendment. So if you arrest him for panhandling, it's a civil rights violation and Jeff will sue you officer. You really don't understand that what Jeff and other 1st Amendment auditors are doing, it teaching people our rights. You can assemble on public property if just one person or many. You don't not have to have a permit either. That's has been challenged and won as a civil rights violation. Yes following the Constitution does make it harder on government agents, because the Constitution was for that very reason, to limit the power of the Government over the people. Officers have been violating people's Civil Rights for years and that's why you have thousands of auditors fighting back now. It's supposed to be hard for the government to keep people off public property. Keep this in mind officer, the pecking order on laws are this way. Constitution, Federal Law, State Law, then county and city ordinances. If you ordinances go against any law above you they are null and void. Constitution supersedes all other laws and ordinances. If it goes against the Constitution, it's null and void. Like panhandling ordinances, both the Constitution and Supreme Court say panhandling is legal.

  2. You asked on Jeff's audit how police doesn't know the Laws that allow him to do that, its simple. 95% of police officers in this country don't know even the 5 elements of the 1st Amendment, muchless the bill of rights.

  3. NO NO NO first clip the cops did not do a good job at all. Why?
    Rules for conduct on Postal Property is posted he has the lawful right to film, the cops have zero authority to infer they allow him to.
    Just because the cop showed some BS policy/memo supposedly on security means the memo from the Post Master General of the USA on what, how employees need to do in the event of a first amendment auditor is present, one very important point in that memo is to NOT TO CALL THE POLICE is not being followed.
    Restricting service just because he has a camera but will do her job only if the camera is in his pocket is just another control tactic or ploy against his rights and the law.
    Capturing of personal information either intentionally or not is not a crime in itself and can only becomes a crime if that information is used to commit a crime after the fact.
    Lastly the fact that there is only females working there is just a sexist attitude inferring it's a crime to film females that makes them uncomfortable. Total BS and just looking for sympathy.


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