Mad Cop Does Walk Of Shame After Trying To Intimidate Man Recording…

Mad Cop Does Walk Of Shame After Trying To Intimidate Man Recording…

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DISCLAIMER: This content should never be regarded as legal advice under any circumstances. It is produced to review and analyse these encounters and help the viewers better understand the scenarios taking place in the videos. This content also demonstrates why it is important to handle these encounters correctly.


49 thoughts on “Mad Cop Does Walk Of Shame After Trying To Intimidate Man Recording…”

    Most cops think they are SOVEREIGN CITIZENS. Laws, Rules, Policies and Regulations for you civilians, not for us CORRUPT cops! THE POLICE UNION IS THE REASON COPS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE. COPS ARE HYPOCRITES! 😐

  2. More members of the acorn mafia in fear, intimidation, ego, and the thought that just maybe the may get a chance to hurt someone for no legal reason. Because that always builds trust and respect, as they protect and serve?

  3. Let me tell you something sargeant, his is recording on public property and recording on public property is 100% legal. What you are doing on the otherhand is harassment which is not legal Sargeant. So leave him alone. If you want to assign an officer to watch him, thats perfectly fine as long as he stays back and doesnt interfere. Thats all you can legally do here sarge. So go back inside, assign an officer to watch him if you want, but do not interfere in him conducting his business of recording in public.

  4. The form may be online, but a hard copy must be available for citizens that doesnt have internet access or doesnt know how to use a computer, that is Federal Law.

  5. Since this bus terminal receives taxpayer funding, it is public property and Jeff can not be trespassed from here just because they dont want him here. He has to break the law in order to be trespassed from public property. Also panhandling ordinances are illegal in this country. Only agressive panhandling ordinances are legal. Thats where you following the person around demanding money. But Jeff is not panhandling, he is doing a 1st Amendment protected activity.

  6. "This is a critical environment". "We got a lotta people that work here." "You could be here but….." "What the deal is.." Will they ever just SHUT THE HELL UP!

  7. I wouldn't be pushing that "private"/"public" thing on public transportation property. It's kind of a weird deal that makes it only quasi- public. Started by nongovernment people — private owners — but heavily subsidized by taxes. That doesn't make it public enough for us to have full public rights on it; they still benefit from our private fares. We have that out here in Utah too: the UTA (Utah Transit Authority).

  8. having watched "The first 48" recently the only charge cops had to arrest a suspected murderer until they could build enough evidence was to arrest him for "intimidation" for threatening a relative with murder if they talked to police.So if we can be arrested for intimidation how come almost every cop today try to intimidate us into complying with unlawful orders and never get charged.its the criminal mentality of police every where "LAWS FOR THEE NOT FOR ME"the system is corrupt from the top down .If cops were truly held to a higher standard and acountable ,we would have to build so many new prisons just to warehouse all the corrupt cops out there violating rights and breaking laws

  9. Corrupt cops seem to think their NAZI badges gives them the right to tell you to jump and you're REQUIRED to ask how high or sit, you have to SIT LIKE A DOG.they think their NAZI badges put them above the law and they can take away our legal rights just because their NAZI badges says so.

  10. We got a call, we're investigating, you're suspicious so that gives my NAZI badge the right to violate your rights because my NAZI badge allows me to take away your rights and you can't do anything about it

  11. This cowards afraid of a man with a camera, they must did something bad , they should know by now that is nothing illegal about public photography in public places, but they think that's belong to them, they trying to bully us the way they were bully when they were in school, so pathetic

  12. Why did you allow him to search you…. You're Response should have been.I do not consent to any search or seizures of me or my property…. You said you can look and he looked and you didn't stop him.

  13. Know this all you naysayers who think an auditor is a chicken for not willing to be arrested. An arrest is not necessary to file a lawsuit. All that is required under federal law is the threat of an arrest under color of law. The courts have ruled that the mere threat of an unlawful arrest is enough to break the law.

  14. wht a shame those cops for the US police force,,,,,,,iam DUTCH, 1000 AND 1000 VIDEOS SHOW UP. Cops dont know when to allowed to detain, how is it possible cops in the USA dont know that a Investigation or suspicion is ruled by supreme court, its not a reason to detain ore arrest ore ID a person ore alow them to get on you property i see cops violate peoples rights many many times, even murder them, in my country it takes 3 yrs to be a cop (last yr its only law education) , what i heard in the US it takes 6 months. Time for BIDEN to see how educated cops

  15. Remember the male officer told him to put his hands up where he could see him, when he was walking up to you and try to say you put your hands up for him to search you no he didn't cop told him put his hands up in the beginning beginning


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