Luxu, The Crowns of Light, and The Impact of Memory's Returned – KH4 Theory #kh4 #luxu #khtheory

THE FULL TRUTH of why Luxu and Skuld are One and the Same:

Terra: The Dismissed Gem of Tenacity:

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18 thoughts on “Luxu, The Crowns of Light, and The Impact of Memory's Returned – KH4 Theory #kh4 #luxu #khtheory”

  1. I say Ventus doesn't remember but welcomed Chirithy anyway just because that's the kind of person Ventus is, a Cinnamon Bun as Nico B calls him, or was it Cinnamon Roll? Anyway, Ventus is just simply a pure hearted kid who'd welcome anything or anyone into his life without hesitation, especially something as adorable as his Chirithy.

  2. Your videos have good quality, I expected you to have atleast a few thousand subs. You really deserve more subscribers than you have right now :]

  3. I have no idea about Luxord but I think Demyx might br the MoM. They have very similar personalities, and Demyx has literally nothing in the story besides a couple of fights in KH2. He could be using that as a alibi so he can come back and get everyone in KH4.

  4. I don't know about Demyx, apart from some theories connecting him to the MoM. Luxord is supposedly from Quadratum as he is shown as Yozora's driver in one of the secret endings of KH3 / Re:Mind

  5. people do think the pure blood in the keyblade graveyard is ephmers heartless so that could say he didnt live out the rest of his days and insted fell in battle. Also i dont see why strelestia couldnt come back to reality as if i remember correctly the only limit on the ark was they go somewhere as a heart and have to have something in the future to give them their memorys adn reconstruct their bodys. ven and the ohters didnt have their memorys and still had bodys so its likely that it doesnt matter if you died or not

  6. #RECONNECT! GREAT video! I too would LOVE to see Elrena and Lauriam again or Larxene and Marluxia REMEMBERING their past in UX, Skuld to be revealed as Subject X, AVA to return or revealed as Kairi's Grandmother wielding (or trying to wield) her Keyblade.

  7. while this is not my theory, the theory i believe about luxord/demyx is that they're both from unreality/quadratum. the reason being is that while marly, larx, demyx and luxord were all in the little meeting with xemnas, both marly and larx were on the same side while lux and dem were on a different side.

    and since obviously both marly and larx were originally involved in the original keyblade war, it's pretty heavily implied that both demyx and luxord were both from quadratum, since we almost certainly hear luxord in the re:mind secret ending.

  8. I am 100% sure that Ventus doesn't remember anything. That is important information that he's withholding if that is the case.

    It makes sense that the only people that knows are the ones that aren't around anymore.

  9. A lot of people overlook the rules the Alba and Ater ( the chess game scene in Kh3 ) the game represents light vs Darkness. Most people overlook this but one of the moves in game unlike chess is that the Crown ( Sora) can move backwards and summon previously fallen star of light that fell to darkness. I think this could allude to that Sora will bring back some the Dead Characters or an reincarnation of them.


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