Luke Belmar SCHOOLS Dumb Atheist


12 thoughts on “Luke Belmar SCHOOLS Dumb Atheist”

  1. People have to stop believing in a God, we are part of a universe so big we dont understand. The belief of God is the belief we are the center of all, when we are not. I am God, now prove me wrong🤣🤣. Wake up people! Live to be a good person for you not for a God or a heaven.

  2. It's an argument for atheism lol.
    "Bad is not bad, it's just a fact that we have to accept and overpass as a human species with particularity that are not good or bad ultimatly, it's juste our condition that make us feel that something is good or bad, following the principle of pleasure and suffering that we can see absolutely in every animals with nervous systems"


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