Luftwaffe's Finest: Who Were Nazi Germany's Elite Fighter Aces? | Fighter Aces | Timeline

An unbiased account of the top German Fighter Aces of the Second World War. Through exclusive interviews with the surviving few, this film portrays the exploits and achievements of such great Pilots as Adolf Galland, Gunther Rall, Walter Krupinski, Erich Hartmann, Emil Lang and Hans Joachim Marseille.

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27 thoughts on “Luftwaffe's Finest: Who Were Nazi Germany's Elite Fighter Aces? | Fighter Aces | Timeline”

  1. Germans were badass and superior in every way if the odds against them were 1 too 1 they woulda won even 1 too 10 but it was more like to 1 to 100 most times

  2. The White Supremacy threat in America is a lie propagandized by Democrats to discredit The Republican Party for votes.
    Beware Communist propaganda in America.

    Vote Republican until, no more Democrat leaders. More Republican leadership for oversight to fire traitors. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for The Chinese Communist Party.

    Democrats lie. They infest tyrannically. They are Communist characters. They are tyrants that love their race cards. Republican characters are free people and patriots.

    In 2020. I was brainwashed. I was wiping down shopping carts and wearing a mask. I was scared to get and transmit a more deadly form of the Flu virus or "Bat virus."

    I was lucky. I was not brainwashed enough to get the vaccine. The smartest people can fall victim to indoctrination and propaganda. Today, Communist characters still wear China propaganda masks to indoctrinate Free Thinking people.

    Free thinking people vote Republican. "All American citizens have an inalienable right to think freely." A republican character value of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

    When Free People wake up. Democrats will be removed from power and The Constitutional Republic of America will be strengthened through amending.

    There are only Rifles and Knives. Some are short. Some are long but, none of them assault people.
    Beware of Communist language like Global warming, COVID-19, Abortion Rights, assault rifle, unborn, diversity, BLack Lives Matter, Woke, etc.

    Do Democrats know we only need one National Anthem for free people? Free People come in all skin color types.

  3. pretty disappointing: Who were Germany Elite Fighter Aces ?

    Simply the best they could recruit out of the glider program for the youth in general from the 20s onwards.
    An adventure for every young boy to work together in a glider club to achieve something together cause those were from the poor, not the aristrocats of the great war fighting up above in the skies meeting the british aristrocrats in the sky from their pre war social life.

    Quite a different story but here completely ignored. Van Seekt was the magic master of all of it and the later Luftwaffe has also been impacted by his thoughts how to scale things up later and just to start and think small.

    Pretty disappointing cause the title is misleading and could only be misleading but of cause gain all these million of clicks . Sad but true how to make money out of the now free content of the pre war era that everyone can use to tell his kind of story without being sued by the successors.

  4. 08:15
    Here I have a problem: “33 thousand miles?” No sport, you’ve got it wrong. In fact the complete circumference of the earth at the equator is only 25 thousand miles.
    I’ve told you a thousand times not to exaggerate!😂

  5. My chain smoking music teacher was a former Stuka pilot and if we finished our class early he would let us ask questions and told stories. Good and bad. Sometimes his face became vacant for just a glimpse and I could see his internal struggle to free himself from the gripp of horrible memories. We caught on fast enough when we came too close in questions and locations. There was an abyss in his mind and memory of about 3 weeks in a certain area in Europe. His "Do not enter" , access denied zone. He was an ever so grand teacher with a soft and caring heart.

  6. I really like history especially is world war two but may I ask for advice, please give Indonesian subtitles for every video you make, because my English is bad, thank you

  7. This infamous elites of WWII-fame, are professional men, patriotic and fight their wars to the very end, until ordered to surrender. Their exploits are the stuffs that legends are made of.

  8. The US had no business getting involved, they broke the fragile balance that would probably have resulted in a truce with no dyer consequences for the future. The Germans were perfectly aware of that so before it was too late, they contacted pres. Wilson through the Swiss embassy and told him that the bloodshed had lasted long enough, that they wished the war to end. Wilson answered that if they banished the Kaiser and made Germany a republic, that he would convince the other leaders and that the Germans could go home without having to worry about further allied actions, one detail, the weapons had to remain where they were, nothing should be brought back home, complete disarmament.
    The Germans hurried and complied with Wilson's demands in record time. Only problem, the French and the British had no intention of letting Germany go free, the purpose of that war was the destruction of the economic might of Germany, not her ability to wage war, that<s the reason they used to seize everything they wanted from the Germans and to take control of her economy. Continued…


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