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  1. not sure why carrying the sunny to sea is an actual problem, so clear me up on that part pls lol
    theres a literal iron giant that could carry it once we know if it is friendly? there are actual flesh blood giants who 2 if not even 1 alone could carry it – also shouldnt luffy by now be powerful enough to carry the sunny himself, or just bounce it off the earth after a coup de burst??

  2. Haki doesn't beat science very easily. Weve been shown that already that the strongest attack was scientific annihilation of an island. Remember that frankys laser scales to Kizarus lasers also.

  3. There is a theory now that the iron giant is apologizing because he had to kill joyboy who was frozen in marijois to keep his fruit and will contained and that is why the giant went there 200 years ago and its the readon why juupeter is trying to capture luffy more than trying to kill him

  4. I'll be honest: I've been reading One Piece since 2002, first in the shonen jump print magazine and then in the volumes. When digital options for weekly became available for purchase, i still waited for the volumes. When the free app came out, i still waited. Right up until i decided to take the plunge and catch up to Egghead after Wano so i could watch fun yiutube theory videos and finally be part of the discussions… and the tldr is as this is my second weekly chapter ever im so dang hyped to be here the gisbt thing didnt bother me at all ha ha. Thanks for the fun breakdown and theories video.

  5. You know this week I’ve seen a lot people complain about this chapter not being big enough or exciting enough but there’s a reason for that. Oda wrote this chapter before he went on his 3 week break which implies he didn’t intend for it to play out this way but when he announced this break he was very clear it had to do with the death of Akira Toriyama and more then likely that means he had to attend his funeral or he needed some time to mourn and he also said he was getting his health checked out. So when you take that all into account then it makes sense why this chapter wasn’t “exciting enough” for readers because the man needed time to mourn and take care of his own health he wasn’t worried about meeting the expectations of his foreign readers who are the only people right now bitching about the chapter and the stupid “pacing” and let me just say for everyone bitching right now about this is very selfish on your part because everyone was told by oda about the reason for the break and that he wrote the chapter before the break and yet so many of you are complaining. You wonder why mangaka’s don’t really give a shit about their foreign fans who read their manga’s because of exactly things like this every acts so self entitled and feel they have right to complain when you really don’t because manga wasn’t created for the enjoyment of foreigners. It was created for the enjoyment of a Japanese audience and mangaka’s view is us a bonus audience and are grateful to have their story loved by fans in foreign countries but that doesn’t mean they cater to a single thing we care about and we’re not as important as so many of you think we are and all of you need to remember that the next time you feel the need to bitch and complain when you should be grateful and have some fucking respect.

  6. I said it before and I'll say it again. I think Usopp will die before he gets to Elbaf. His dream does not require him making it to the end of the series. If he sacrifices himself for the crew, that would make him a brave man of the sea

  7. I love how nami and chopper are still in the loser trio while having conquerers for nami and the ability to grant daytime sulong/monster point for chopper (as well as the first haki roar in the series), they should have way higher bounties. Also yay 1000th comment!

  8. Speaking of Usopp against Saturn; what if his attacks are most efficient against the five elders? Vegas punk did mentioned that devil fruits weakness is the mother nature and Usopps attacks are all plants. Feel like it's gonna be like Obito against sage mode

  9. Luffy held his own against Sandersonia & Marigold with pure brute strength, so I'm willing to allow that Franky can go toe-to-toe with Vice-Admiral-grade Haki (provided we agree Garp is an outlier).

  10. I feel like somebody needs to insert the person holding the piece of cardboard meme saying: unpopular opinion…removing usopp from story would have zero detrimental effect…every op this clown gets to step up just shits the bed again. I'm at the point where I've been ignoring usopp like he doesn't exist for the past 5 years lol

  11. I feel like it is wrong to put the fishmen in the same category as normal water creatures. It's like putting humans as the same as the rest of other mammals. Although we are in the same area by being mammals. But there is a big difference between a human and a cow.

  12. 30% of Mugiwaras are capable of haki consistently in combat. It's still a mystery how did they manage to survive so far 😅

    I agree with you about the teasing, we lived through this manga for sooo long that we can't stand anymore any teasing. It's just out of hand. I like being hyped, but if you tease and the next chapter you change the subject to never come back where you left is tiring.

  13. I think its entirely possible that Mars will destroy the device and it will actually stop the broadcast, at least to the rest of the world. I think the people on Egghead will hear everything and it will make Luffy angry and set on toppling the government and telling the rest of the world about it. I mean besides the stuff with robin and them trying to stop him, Luffy really doesnt have that true motivation to take down the WG completely. Similar to the story told to Luffy on Wano that made him hate Kaido. We really dont get anything out of the populace finding out about the void century and all the important people that could learn about it probably already know some of it. This is all assuming that the announcement it about the Void century, maybe its something about Imu's Identity or just something else entirely.

  14. Frankie is made of literal metal though. Haki requires concentration and all that. But fighting Frankie is like getting into a fight with a Ford F-250 going 50mph at you. Like even if you have Haki, you’re not walking out without some injuries. Road rash or somethin

  15. Ethan was spitting about Vegapunk being foolish. Franky and Bonney with good showcasings. Stussy and Edison are ready to sacrifice themselves. York is displaying Intellect. Marcus Mars is showcasing are very direct Mentality like his name suggests. Ju Peter's Sandworm is as problematic as I imagined. Topman with the really tough hide/skin is rough. I wonder if he's tougher than even Linlin or Kaido. Saturn is coming for Nami, Usopp, and Chopper. Tough business.

  16. vice admirals are basically like avatars of khaine from warhammer…super strong beings that are just there to show how strong somebody is when they easily defeat them


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