Lucifer and Charlie react to 'Stayed gone Lilith vs Lute' | song by: @MilkyyMelodies

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38 thoughts on “Lucifer and Charlie react to 'Stayed gone Lilith vs Lute' | song by: @MilkyyMelodies”

  1. Wait so you au mean lilith go on a beach for 7 year and don't accepect charlie calling and still f5ck eachother to get charlie born and she kill lute so that mean the ex angel dead cause no one help them to get control, so then lucifer kill eva. Wow, i dont get it. I dont sure wat u mean

  2. Is it just me or does anyone feel like when season 2 comes out that the theory Lilith will start singing about tricking the main cast and then the real Lilith continues singing while beating the crap out of theory Lilith? Or is that just me


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