Low-Flying UFO Sightings Near Air Force Bases | The USAF and the TR-3B

0:00 – Introduction
2:12 – Arkansas
7:03 – California
13:28 – Indiana
18:21 – Unknown
20:28 – Indiana
25:30 – Ohio
30:23 – Conclusion
36:46 – Credits & Personal Message

For all things strange and unusual relating to war and the military, Wartime Stories covers the most chilling cases of crimes against humanity, bizarre tales, unsolved mysteries, espionage, deception, creepy encounters of the paranormal, as well as feats of valor and ultimate sacrifice.


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“Left Alone”, “Alone”, “The Search of the Remains”, “Cut the Glass Rose”, “Lying in Wait” and “Oscuro” used by kind permission of CO.AG

“Crypto” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

“Undercover Spy Agent” by David Fesliyan, courtesy of Fesliyan Studios

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41 thoughts on “Low-Flying UFO Sightings Near Air Force Bases | The USAF and the TR-3B”

  1. I spent 21 years in the USAF as a 3P0 and even retired out of Wright Patt. Trust me, there is nothing strange or nefarious going on there. I've covered every square inch of that base while stationed there. I still have to go there once a year because I still work for the government. It's actually just a big boring base.

  2. The TR-3B was likely developed from the VZ-9 Avrocar… which was by a Canadian company… which was thus powered by maple syrup! Magic! 😆

    Jokes aside, great episode! Hope more people come forward and hope to hear more regarding these "flying doritos" soon! 😁

  3. I’ve heard somewhere too that those ‘lights’ are actually ion jets, the same ones that are used to maneuver satellites (that is also why they are completely silent, or only admit a faint buzz or humming sound). Only the ones on these blimps are much more powerful so that they can operate in our atmosphere. They are the reason that there is the ‘heat haze’ or ‘air morphing’ around these craft sometimes. Also, they can make the craft move at incredible speed, especially since these craft are only half the weight of a standard car, while being much larger and more ’spread out’ then a car.

    I think I heard about this in an online chatroom YEARS ago, from somebody who claimed to be ex-military and worked on them (so take it all with a big grain of salt). I wish I could remember more details of where and what this chatroom was…

    According to this guy, they also had an ‘invisibility’ cloaking ability by using the same tech that those ‘invisibility cloak’ screens use: it only works from certain angles though. like if you are directly under it or diagonal from it, it is completely visible. But if you are farther away from it on the ground, you are at a shallower angle to it, and thus this ‘invisibility cloak’ makes it suddenly disappear. This is to make it invisible to enemies from far away.

  4. This is a great video and very well done! I know I'm going to sound critical, but just applying what I know…

    I wonder where they got the designation "TR-3B". "T" means training (not testing) aircraft, what would this be a trainer for? The rest of it makes sense, but "T" is a head scratcher.

    Also, just because a base is nearby doesn't mean it came from that base. Black projects are housed at remote locations like "Area 51" (which was purpose built for the SR-71). Unless it's making an emergency landing, it's (most likely) not going to be launched from a Guard/Reserve base. Keep in mind that if it's a Reconnaissance (the "R" in TR-3B) bird it's got legs and will be capable of traveling long distances. And between Edwards and Vandenburg, I'd pick Edwards since such an aircraft would be within their wheelhouse more than a USSF base.

    With the testimony from Naval aviators and David Grusch, I put a lot of faith in accounts of people seeing something strange in the air. We've either made some incredible advancements in science & technology as humans or we're reverse engineering … something.

  5. I've seen one, Scioto county, Ohio. About ten years ago.
    Low flying, triangular lights, bright ass spotlight was shining down on the ground. It wasn't going real fast, I saw the bright light on the ground before anything else. Thought it was a car coming down my driveway. Amazing that others have seen what's probably the same thing. I have a name of it now; TR-3B. Sweet!
    Thanks Wartime Stories, see ya in the smokepit (my fav smoke pit was on Leatherneck)

  6. Personally, and not to contradict you, I have learned a great deal from this channel. 1st you are very respectable person 2nd the stories shared have been a beneficial addition to not only my research but also helped my theories. And yes this is for entertainment, which it does extremely well, you also provide a balanced objective opinion from a needed military perspective. I feel you honor both the paranormal and military community. Thank You.
    As for whether these crafts are alien, alien derived or man made I wonder if it maybe a combination of both. Or another, maybe more far out theory, temporal or dimensional travelers. Humans from another dimension or time. There are so many possibilities and maybe Sherlock Holmes' "When you have eliminated all which is impossible then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." But the hard part when dealing with the paranormal (literally meaning beyond normal) what is "impossible" because it was less then a hundred years ago humans many thought things like going faster then sound or splitting the atom were works of fiction.

  7. What you said at 33:08 lines up with a feeling I've had over the years about stuff I've heard from people I've served with. When you're presented with the option of finding the truth between the guy who pours goat urine on himself and runs through the woods at night looking for bigfoot and the guy who even now refuses to believe that coelacanths are still alive because that would be letting the cryptozoology community "have one", it's tough to find any truth to what people are saying.

    You're honestly doing exactly what we need by passing along stories you receive with very little alteration and saying, "here you go." It's these experiences, at the end of the day, that matters. These people may not have seen alien craft, or top secret spy tech, or whatever else. But, they saw something, and they don't appear to be grifty about it. That's the best I'd expect out of anyone.

  8. I remember seeing something like this but i was coming back from the bathroom, so i can't be sure if i saw something or was still in that groggy sleep state. i was about to get back in bed when i looked out my window to see a triangle shaped craft pass over my neighbor's house. it passed low like these stories and made no noise before continuing on. this happened in Escondido CA. in 95-96.

  9. “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do. We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. First, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.” – Ben Rich, former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks

  10. I literally had a flying V with like 7 big round dull lights fly over my house. The first light would go out and the next 2 down the V would come on then those 2 would go off and the next 2 would light up and so on. I watched it fly from the horizon directly over my house for like 4 or 5 minutes. Im pretty sure it was going in the direction of fort gordon. Mine was not a triangle, it was a V literally. The lights were on the bottom.

  11. If you dig there is testimony of x and active military(unidentified of course). There are plenty of stories about what goes on with these crafts. To the moon in 13 minutes for example

  12. My only issue with these stories is if it is American they are not operating it like any of our other top secret aircraft, such as the U2, SR-71, or the captured fleet of Migs we had in the cold war. These are far to out in the open and observable for an aircraft as top secret as this is if it exists in the American military. I don't doubt people are seeing something but I very much doubt it's in proper american service.

  13. I was driving home from Santa Cruz about 2 years ago and from the road, I could see
    very nice white shipping containers on the outside of some of the buildings
    There, I thought the base was closed so I thought this activity was strange,
    They could have been large generators.

  14. Hey jimochi7317, if you're still out there: Your sighting is extremely reminiscent of the Phoenix Lights case where people who witnessed that craft which was similarly triangular, black (but more of a boomerang shape) also claimed that it seemed to be undulating or waving similar to a mirage or some other sort of wavy pattern, as if it was flowing like silk or something. It was seen by hundreds of people, so you're definitely not alone in seeing such an odd sight. In the case of the Phoenix Lights, it was explained away as "military flares" and while there were military flares dropped in the area later that same night, it was after the craft had already come and gone. If you're still puzzling out what it is you saw that night, check out the case, because, idk, it just seemed like it was really similar to what you described in a lot of ways. Including how it just seemed to… Disappear, nobody really saw where it went. It passed over the whole city, and then just… Vanished, it seemed. Kind of crazy.

    I myself saw something different but what I saw was an object high, high up in the atmosphere, I believe all the way in space. A bright, bluish white light which was just up and to the left of Polaris, the North Star, which is also the brightest star in that part of the sky. This thing was at least three times as bright, and this object was completely stationary for a full 15-30 seconds or so before it suddenly brightened and shot away up and to the right at a very high speed, fading out of sight into space in about three seconds. I have really good eyes so I was able to track it after this bright light had dimmed, it was but a speck, but brighter, and thus probably bigger, than a satellite. It gradually faded out of view. Definitely wasn't a meteor as those always appear to move downward and from the center of the sky due to perspective, this thing went up. The only real way I can describe it is "like a ship from Star Wars suddenly entering hyperspace", where it was completely stationary (or perhaps just moving very, very slowly so far away) and then just… Zip, off it goes. So I can at least attest that, as far as UFOs go, those things can haul ass whenever they want.


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