Love Island 2024 Ep1 Review: This Is Going To Be A Great Season!

Love Island 2024 is back and you know I’ll be releasing daily reviews! What do you think of the Islanders? Who do you like the most? Who do you like the least? Please let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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34 thoughts on “Love Island 2024 Ep1 Review: This Is Going To Be A Great Season!”

  1. •This cast seems more mature.
    •Mimi is gorgeous & I approve because a lot of the time these shows purposely choose Black girls who aren’t the best looking. However, why does Love Island only pick chocolate black girls? They bring several types of white girls (blonde, brunette, red head, etc), but only chocolate Black girls who wear wigs (nothing against wigs, but we have other styles). Black girls are very diverse too. Us caramels would like some representation dang it lol!
    •Munveer is a hottie! I definitely a fav! Only thing I slightly side eyed was when he tired to paint MiMi out to be the bad guy like “Oh I think she doesn’t like me & was only being nice” like he wasn’t doing the exact same thing to her. It wasn’t like he was so Infatuated with Mimi. The 1st thing he told her was he’s still gonna get to know other people. Still like him though.
    •I’m in the US, so idk who this Joey guy is, but that’s my tyyype! I’d definitely be on that if I were on the show!
    •I like Samantha because I can see her being willing to cause some much needed drama & chaos lol. The way she got heated over being picked “least gf material” & the way she’s already ready to still someone’s man. I think she will succeed at taking him too because she’s better looking & less boring than Jess is coming off to be. Yaaaas entertainment!!! Lol
    •Ayo not only as a cool azz name, but even better taste! SO glad they didn’t pick another self hating Black guy like they used to do.
    •Maya Jama shut it DOWN as always! 😍😍😍
    •Patsy could’ve kept still sharing a bed with her mom a secret.
    •I like the way they paired them off. It wasn’t has exciting, but at least no one was embarrassed & it kinda forced them to give someone different a try.

  2. Thats jokes that X saying Joey aged bad and looks like a nitty and now you find him more attractive🤣I thought saying he looked like a nitty was too much but yh he hasn’t aged the best

  3. Nicole I’m not feeling ayo with Michelle it’s not going to end well. Please don’t let this whole black love thing fool you babes. Ayo is like ikenna if Elle hasn’t got the ick yet she’ll develop it. Mark my words

  4. I feel like the guys liking blondes thing came in large part from society projecting that the “ideal” beauty standards were tall, tan, thin and blonde. Like Barbie, basically. I don’t agree with it ofc, deciding whether or not you’re into someone based on hair color that can easily be changed is superficial af.

  5. I love Mimi but I don’t trust Ayo just yet. The question with the kiss was a little much, especially since she said it’s to early and he kept bringing it up. I hope he’s sincere with her. ❤

  6. LOL it may not be the first ick that comes to mind, but I do find people that drink anything except water are questionable lol. Like grow up and drink water lol.

  7. This first episode was 10/10 I don’t think I’ve ever said that about any season in the entire love island franchise. These people (not all) actually have personalities they actually found some good looking people who have substance. I’m living I hope the season continues to give us what it’s giving so far👌

  8. I have to somewhat disagree with what you said regarding Mimi not feeling Munveer. We can all agree that he is an attractive guy and so is Ayo. However, I think this is one of those instant of self-preservation, where she gave Ayo the most interest bc it was mutual. I think if Munveer had shown some interest and tried, then she would have been down to explore both options. I may just be chatin shit tho😂

  9. Yeah Nicole They have had work done and what’s crazy when they told there age I was like wow because they look much older then the boys and the boys are older then the girls on this show lol 😂


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