Love is War | Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 23 Reaction

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War episode 23 was a hot mess! Soul Reapers fighting Soul Reapers, Quincy fighting Quincy, zombified then zombified again. We’re happy Mayuri is on our side but also like bruh. Meanwhile Byakuya is fighting a tiny innocent santa baby. What is even going on anymore!! Let us know your thoughts of TYBW episode 23 in the comments.

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19 thoughts on “Love is War | Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 23 Reaction”

  1. To clairify a few things, Zombie Hitsuguya isnt any stronger, he would be like that if he went all out constantly. He just doesnt. PePe's. "Love" did not work on Byakuya as his outfit is made from the bones of the zero division like ichigos, its super durable.

  2. Hisagi so far this arc
    -had to be saved by Yamamoto
    -probably took a beating during training after his “don’t disrespect Tousen” remark to Kensei
    -beaten and 3 counted by mask de masculine
    -controlled by Pepe and ko’d by Byakuya

    Hisagi you’re the new renji

  3. Well, hitsu has a lot of fancy techniques which wouldn’t work… now Gigi, who doesn’t know ice, just control him and slay… if stalemate then use bankai to amplify the ice and slay… simple brute force which works very well. Please. Less is more, thank you.

  4. [Tidbits & Clarifications]

    – The concept of Zombie Toshiro is very fascinating, Toshiro is not only the youngest captain but he's also the most pure-hearted and honorable. Here we get to see what what a more ruthless Toshiro looks like. He's concise, intentful, and creative, like how he uses the ice as an extension of his body to make a knee blade or even immediately seal his wounds the moment they occur.

    – A ruthless Toshiro is also interesting because despite how he tries to appear as, Toshiro is a strong advocate of Justice, he's not the murdering type which was an ideal we've seen with his battles against Aizen.

    – Shaku is obviously a unit of measurement in the soul society

    – In the Manga version of these events Byakuya fights against the 3 Sternritter never happened, we only cut to them all being defeated. From what we understand we can expect tons of original and extended fights in the next 2 cours.

    – Sidenote, the creator of Bleach Kubo is deeply involved with this Bleach Adaptation and last season or cour he hyped up the Yamamoto episode, a few days ago he hyped up the final two episodes of this cour.


  5. Those 'dream' fights with miyuri is how it would've actually gone if it weren't for the drug, miyuri knows in just straight combat he'd lose quick to other captains, hence the plans

  6. Nanana being defeated too quickly like that felt odd lol. As for Candice, it's understandable she got defeated quickly here. Not only did she get her ass handed to her by Ichigoat previously, she took a direct hit from getsuga jujisho and got wounded by Bazz B's burner finger 1. At this point she was pretty damn exhausted fighting a full powered Byakuya.

  7. Toshiro always had his emotions is the way while fighting and never could have a cool head because he's still young. The reason he could easily destroy them without even breaking a sweat is that there is no longer any emotion in his way🤷‍♂️ like grabbing Mayuri's Zanpakuto and then releasing bankai so he can't run away, that's sth of Yama level (he did that against Aizen if you can remember)
    He is not stronger, it's just that his emotions are not in the way anymore


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