Been getting hit often about people asking about their Lost Ark subclasses and whether they made the right choice.



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#LostArk #Smilegate

Why you may want more than 1 character https://youtu.be/kLgmcoNfcfA
The MOST popular subclasses? https://youtu.be/oha8219MRwM
The MOST important thing to do in the Beta https://youtu.be/MuFRQAu9o-U
You shouldn’t follow tier lists made by inexperienced content creators https://youtu.be/F2w6FsqHALo



  1. Just mention all of you guys that is The 1st Your Character you created is always called MAIN why? Example: if you fcked up by having Skill points Rewards on the others Characters, then the 1st Char and all of ur alts will NOT applied. But if ur 1st char get it then it will applied to ur Roaster. Keep that in mind guys

  2. I dont even have a main tbh i main 3 classes with 3 other alts, the only difference between my t3 highest ILevel is that im getting t3 mats instead of t2/t1 mats.

    Best tip is to play whatever the fk u want. The fking tier list doesnt fking matters, if u wanna play dps palladin go dps palladin and also join a community play with friends or whatever, ur not gonna worry about getting into party even while playing dps pally and ur friends/comunity can also carry ur alts.

  3. im playing 3 classes. I want to main shock scrapper, i love the skills, it is satisfying for me, but i played striker and berkeser too and holly shit, the shock scrapper feels INCREDIBLY baaad. incredibly slow
    and the dmg IS REALLY LOW TOO. idk whats the point of this class. It has everything bad, only the skills are satisfying to see, thats all. !
    I Dont like Taijutsu, it is faster, yes but the skills are not satisfying and boring for me. Lets talk about the Shock skills. First, Sweeping strike – very bad/low dmg. 2. Fists of Destruction – very SLOW and ok dmg, i mean for that time BAD dmg. You smashing the ground for like 10 hours, which is satisfying but the dmg IS ONLY ok . 3. Eruption – slow and ok – bad dmg. 4. Death Sentence – it takes all your shock energy an makes only ok dmg and it is slow, too. 5. Supernova Explosion – Slow and ok – good dmg. Lost ark need to buff this class man, PLEASE !
    Sorry for my bad english.

  4. The only MVP I've seen is Berserker in NA, if not that then Deathblade or Sorc, and I'm here with a Scrapper class, am I making a mistake taking this class to Tier 2? xD Sure, I am having fun but then I still feel like my damage can't compare to the like of Berserker, heck we Scrapper don't even have an active special

  5. I’m certainly satisfied with my choice as Deathblade. But I wouldn’t lie if I said I wasn’t even more excited for some of these upcoming classes. Reaper, Lancemaster, and Scouter all look like potential mains but I’m leaning closest to Reaper or Lancemaster. With the rest falling under secondaries.

  6. i just ignored alts until i got my soulfist to T3, i'm honestly pretty bummed with how… poorly… she performs, i never get MVPs, i never feel i had an impact on anything i do with my friends, besides maybe a couple counters on guardians… now i'm raising a bard, a SH and i already reserved a name for a scouter, honestly, the game is just so fun that i could see myself playing most classes and still being able to enjoy, even soulfist if i manage to get her decently geared, with the right engravings and stats

  7. many people switch main from shadow hunter coz , shadow hunter not fun until you get 1k specialitation to get demon form with 1 skills rotation but if you already got 1k specialitation maybe you will get the fun

  8. Your powerpass character is actually ahead of the main who cleared Vern. PP Char will have cleared shushire. It was one hell of an immersion breaker for me. More shockingly, nobody else had complained about it. Cannot fathom this oversight by the devs.

  9. I honed t2 from 600 to 960 in a day, while it took me like 3 days to get from 460 to 600. Same experience for friends, though we are all newbs and there probably is aperfect way about funneling mats from alts and doing the proper islands in sequence. I played this game more in 2 weeks than any other game in the past 20 years and I feel hardcore about spending time infront of this piece of scrap. Everyone is complaining about too little sleep and too much to do. Cutting back on real life responsibilities is the only option left for me now.

  10. I started with gunlancer and it's a terribly slow turtle but hella tough. Parked him at 500 after unlocking the powerpass switched to sorceress as my main.
    I love her aoe, was super fun until ilvl 600 but my bossing experience went down as other classed only seemed to improve.
    My buddy as zerker left me in the dust with ilvl 600 when I was ilvl 820.

    Hard to hit with the good spells when every boss is moving. Also playing ignite but not getting my resource up during a guardian boss quick enough to make it count.
    Missing empowered meteors and fireballs hurts like hell.

    I got her to 960 and arrived in Yorn today. I knowledge transfered a berserker yesterday, on hold at 460 for daylies, way more fun and powerful than my lancer.
    Boosted a bard today and now I consider using my second power pass on a gunslinger as well. I want to use the bard to carry my buddies.
    Have some regret not having picked her instead of the sorceress now. Maybe I am still bad at this game despite having learned as much in such a short time.

  11. really like how you do your vids your real talk ,trying to keep all of those new gamers calm down 🙂 …im proud there is at least one streamer who is not into rush rush … tumb up…btw close to 400 hours just in europe release …does this make me addicted xD

  12. i really dont like playing lots of alts, i only have 1 yet and 1 powerpass, im 1340ilvl on "main" and 490ilvl on my alt, i want to play artist or maybe arcana, what do i do when those classes release to change to them and start gearing them as soon as possible? that is my problem, im quite lost, should i keep gearing my main at the moment? should i start saving materials? when those classes releaase do i knowledge transfer in them? How does it all work?

  13. That’s not just a feeling, demonic is truly a terrible class
    de masse hitting for 300million from China
    Blade jumps over the boss’ 1shot that’s meant for them
    Scrapper has insane destruction
    Paladin doesn’t have to turn on his monitor

    What the FUCK does demonic do? Negate my cosmetics since I’m in transformation? Meanwhile doing 1/4 of the damage of any other class while not transformed. ????
    Legitimately even hate seeing them in matchmake for chaos dungeon. 3 people carrying 1 leech. LMAO
    But brooo the class has susanoo and draven ult!! Bruh. Shit does like 50k dmg, total. Susanoobitingwhenthisdickinyomouth like what, LMaFUKinAO

  14. right now i have my "main" at 1340 farming mats and selling them, high enough to dot he two abyss dungeons. My first alt is approaching 1100 ilvl and should be T3 soon… 4 other alts sitting around 802-880ish feeding t2 mats to my alt. i try to get to 880 so they can do calventus or w/e (the third T2 guardian) since he's easy. goal is to push all of them to T3 feeding mats into my main. this game is almost too alt friendly haha. gotta have em all

  15. i got my gunlancer main to 1325 and just been stacking t3 mats cause waiting for maybe honing rates getting better with the next update. anyways i have a scrapper alt that i really really love at high 580 and i really preferable want to make this my main cause of how fun and big numbers it does but ive invested so much intoy gunlancer that i still find quite fun but not as fun as scrapper

  16. I started with the shadow assasin cuz i loved it on the beta, by the time i hit 50 i was feeling i did no dmg.. so i used my pass on a paladin now his ilvl is 540 and the assasin is 340, and now he doesnt do dmg to clear the story so is an endless cycle lol


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