Lost Ark is RUINED! Endgame DISASTER!

Lost Ark has EXTREMELY compelling gameplay, but when you look under the surface it has horrifically bad issues that make it next to impossible for me to want to continue to play Lost Ark. To be frank, Iā€™ll play to the Lost Ark endgame and then I will quit Lost Ark. These grinds and monetization practices I cannot support in good faith.

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#LostArk #Lostark #lostark

0:00 Lost Ark is that one guy or girl you dated
1:04 My thoughts on Lost Ark
1:19 I want to LOVE Lost Ark
1:40 WHY do I feel this way
1:44 The good of Lost Ark!
3:55 Stuff I donā€™t care about
6:38 The dinner menu is busted
7:32 It was an AMAZING night
9:03 TIME CONSUMING!!! Alts are prettymuch expected
11:33 RNG UPGRADE? This will BREAK people
12:20 Why gear matters ā€“ You cannot access content
13:20 Level cap increase will ruin your gear
13:57 Money slows down? Increase level cap lol
14:29 Daily chores DAILY CHORES! CHORES!!!!
14:59 This is why I canā€™t play Lost Ark

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43 thoughts on “Lost Ark is RUINED! Endgame DISASTER!”

  1. Man pls dont take that video you are showing as a reference cause we are getting different % and different pace in upgrading cause smilegates wants us to be able to get to t3 first.
    We can obviously se the difference if you played a little of t1. +8 is like 100% chance BRUH.
    A +15 is 40% wich increases to 70% with items you can buy with a sone gold.
    Aaand that video was supposing no alts at all.
    Alts also dont really need a lot of time just 30 min per alt.

  2. I played the game and reached GS 1006 (Tier 2) already. And I gotta say most of the things you said is just wrong. I donā€™t use alts, I dont touch the housing system AT ALL and I rarely do the dailies (except Chaos Dungeons and Guardian Raids). The mats you get from just questing alone is sufficient enough to get you to higher tier unless you have a really bad RNG (happened to my friend) Even if I decided to do the dailies, it is only going to take me 10 mins at most. The only cash item I bought is Crystalline Aura which you can buy using in game currency.

    You need to experience it first. And then you will understand that this game is not as crazy as you might think. You only need to spend money on this game if you are really, really impatient.

    I also really really like the combat, same as you. It is just shame if you dont get to experience the endgame content first hand because the dungeons and the raids is very fun and challenging.

    And, the video you referenced to is outdated. In case you didnt know.

  3. The only thing I want to do in this game is fight and progress my character and explore and it feels like there is so much shit to wade through to get there.
    I got so overwhelmed first when reaching Luterra castle and then when I reached Vern.
    And the leveling experience is so needlessly boring.
    The MMO-parts of this game ruin it. Like I can't understand why the fuck it's an MMO to begin with other than the whole whaling expedition shit the devs seem to be pulling here.

    And the shit you have to wade through is just fucking weird and badly designed.

  4. Idk. I havent felt the need to swipe. Just do your weeklies and dailies. Theres no reason to swipe unless you want to speed to gear cap. Just play. I do dailies and weeklies while doing islands. 1000ap + on 2 chars. The people swiping is up to them. Earn gold and trade the gold for crystals. You get atleast 1000g a day juat spending a couple hours a day playing.

  5. Servers full in central eu, while they made eu west it failed xD ffs the matchmaking mostly broken, shop down, full eu servers, i have play since 8.2 and everyday i do fight in my head play or stop this s… xD Amazon fault game can still fail, the progression wall is also big no, weekly item limit.. PvP .. fly air, stun etc CC hell šŸ˜€ as melee not fun, if ranged/caster u nuke ppls easier. There is a lot good and bad sides in da game, but all can exprience it self. Game size 75GB .. gotta be a lot trash in there šŸ˜€ and steam charts
    also lies, there can have even 200k-300k ppls in queues in eu, while 19 central servers are all full, so yeah "playing" ppls

  6. How pay to win the game is depends on the players if they are willing to take no visa people, according to that video you can clear the hardest fight with old gear set if itĀ“s fully upgraded so you dont need to upgrade anywhere near +25.

  7. It's like they put you on an enjoyable rollercoaster ride, but near the end of the track you are somehow sitting on used needles, holding rusted bars and you are over a pit of hell but you tell yourself, just a little more and i can get off the ride. The ride never stops and you are now too invested in this "game". Look at FGO players lol.

  8. This is a lot of this dudes opinion. The endgame is anything but complicated and itā€™s amazing. My opinion. Take everything that he said with a grain of salt and play the game if you enjoy it.

  9. Good mechanics, veeeeeery insipid quests, general grind fest, rng upgrade system. I dropped this game after reaching lvl 34, no need to see the end game content, I already know it's not for me. Meh… no loss, I was playing this to waste time until Elden Ring comes out.

  10. You need to think about this from a game development perspective. People really enjoy having strong, negative opinions about popular things, even when knowing nothing about them. It gives a facade of being knowledgeable and smart, and it gets attention and most of the time they end up convincing themselves of this negative oppinion even when it was not born of rational inquiry in the first place. It's quite a common socio-behavioral phenomenon and I don't mean this as an insult.

    It's easy to find the flaws in this kind of gearing system, but you are not realising the benefits of it, and you are not providing an alternative system. The point of MMOs are to be long grind type games, the kind of game you can spend years playing and develop a community around and realy get invested in for the long haul. This is hard to accomplish and that's why so many MMOs have this same system, like it's practically identical to Tera. There are several mechanisms at play in this kind of system, Time gating, Rng, and whaling. These systems are often hated on but what people often fail to realize is that they are core to the stability of a lot of these MMOs, both from a financial perspective and a player engagement perspective. Like you don't want the studio that makes your MMO to fail as a business, because that's, needless to say, catastrophic for a game, because remember game development, especially mmos, are not cheap to host and not cheap to add more content to.

    First up: time gating. If they allowed you to grind your way to max gear without time gating, people would be there in a matter of weeks and stop playing, because we all know how sweaty MMO players can be, myself included. They could counteract this by making the grinding take an insane amount of resources but that would make the game boring and discourage casuals. You could also say that they could add more content to the game to make it take longer to get max gear but I think this game has more than enough content that took them many years to make any more content would either quick copy paste reskins of existing content, lowering gameplay quality, or it would take months to years more development, which they are already doing.

    Second is RNG and whaling, this is a more controversial one, and rightly so because it both makes and breaks MMOs. Rng in these kinds of MMOs can be essentially gambling, which many people will dislike but it can also be one of the most exciting parts of an MMO, also it's not completely analogous to gambling in some key ways. The appeal to irl gambling is the rush that you get when you win money. The problem with this is that you always lose money by gambling. In lost ark you are not gaining money, but you are gaining time by bypassing some of the time gating (and no, when you are playing a game, the saying time is money does not really apply, you should be playing a game for the fun of it). You don't lose anything but time when you fail so its not going to make you broke like irl gambling does. The problem is when p2w starts influencing the rng aspects of the game, then some of the more traditional problems with gambling start coming into play, but from what i have seen, lost ark has no such systems as of yet. You can kind of buy some of the upgrade materials off the player market (this will only really be a thing when you get to T3 and start upgrading your gear to +25) but the prices are actually insane and anything purchased off the player market injects the gold right back into the economy of f2p players, and it has remained like that in servers that have been out for years and the Koreans, who hate ptw as much as anyone else, are happy with it. Im honestly ok with the kind of p2w that requires you to spend like $10k on the game to get max gear and is sufficiently time-gated, this may sound strange but I see it this way: Ptw is a problem because it can divide the player base causing saltiness, but when you make the bar to pay to win so high that 99.9999% of the player base won't even try then it isn't so much of a problem, because who cares what the like 20 whales who are dumb/rich enough do. It isn't even pay to win, what are they winning? If anything it's pay to skip time gating for their character's personal progress. If anything those few people are just massively helping the developers, and the more you help the devs, the more content we get to enjoy.

    As for the "+25 is almost impossible", I agree but I don't see this as a bad thing. MMOs are not supposed to be beaten, if they were, then the player base would die. The +25 is supposed to be like a carrot on a stick, but in a good way because it provides stability to the game's player base.

  11. Too much crying šŸ˜€ idc if someone pays idc if someone has it easier bcs they pay and idc that you cant choose the gender of some classes(its a game… there is slavery in the game wonder when someone will cry about that ;dd). Ofc it takes time to play its that type of game, i`ve played drakensang online for years and still sometimes go in to see whats new and thats just how those games are if you dont like it dont play it go back to fortnite you know. Daily chores few ofc you wanna progress faster without paying then you gotta be more active it is what it is if you dont like it dont play it… In general too much crying about the game if you dont like games where you have to grind to be good(without paying) go back to fortnite. OMGGGG some people are whales paying for everything… tf that gotta do with you mind gameplay. Been seeing so much cry about the game and all of it childish stuff šŸ™‚

  12. See this is what you don't understand. The stronghold actually save you time and makes you in game money. It's really a passive mechanic which takes 5minutes to do everyday.

  13. I got to endgame a couple days ago. Did all the available content for the day, realized the game locks you out of the story with a gear score check, which is timegated, so you're locked waiting until tomorrow OR you can go and be errand boy on islands for materials to upgrade gear OR make an alt and farm the materials like that. So I'm sitting here with the game telling me "no you can't play the game anymore, you need to replay the game or do things you don't care about to be able to play again".

    Like bro, the combat generally feels great and i love the visuals and contrary to OP i liked the story and i was invested in it but now I'm just locked grinding to 460 ilvl through things i dont want to do because fuck you that's why.

    I'm just glad 9.2 on wow is coming in a few days and I'm done in this game, so disappointed.

  14. This is a bit misleading because you mentioned fear of missing out sales but the timed shop (Mari's Secret Store) is there to help f2p because it is cheaper to convert gold into crystal and buy honing mats from the shop as f2p.

  15. Alts aren't really there to funnel mats because a lot of the mats from dailies etc. get bound to that character as you complete them even honing success chance increase items like star's breath are bound to your alts. The alts are really there to make passive gold and silver for the main and main alt. But you dont need 5 alts in addition to your main for a total of 6 u can save the gold and just power pass 2 characters then wait until tier 3 if you wanna knowledge transfer a 4th alt to tier 3 right away so u can skip tier 1 and 2

  16. The more you get into endgame raids the less swiping really matters, item level is just a gateway into the next raid but it doesn't mean you will be ready mechanically for every phase of the fight. I see a lot of tier 2 and tier 3 players struggling on Tytalos which is the last tier 1 guardian raid because his mechanics are punishing as low as tier 1.

  17. 1. All complaints are about optional things. You dont need to use the shop, alts, stronghold.
    2. Warframe is very far from being a game with complex builds.
    3. This game is a massive timesink, that's why you have that rng, which can be frustrating, i agree. But it has a failsafe mechanic built in. If you fail at 40& chanve succes, the next time it will be 45%. It's just a grind. Like every other mmorpg out there.

  18. What a try-hard clickbait title. Lost Ark should have a box prices, it doesn't. People are end of T2 and into T3 without paying anything. The game has systems in place like Mari and Pheons to purposely combat AGAINST swipe control and people still complain lol? Any sub MMO is way more expensive, why are they not p2w? They are "Pay or don't even get to experience". Hundreds even 1000+ hrs here for free, without compulsory buying and people whinge. P2W used to be a gaming problem, now it's a player problem whining at any moment there is an option to spend $5.

  19. You sound like a misinformed whiney baby that wants to be an MMO player without doing MMO things. All the ffxiv players are so spoiled and never cut their teeth with the true MMOs where God forbid. You actually have to play the game and grind to do better content "I don't have the gear for higher level content but I can't believe I have to play for it" duh….that's an MMO my guy


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