Lost Ark Devs Admit It's Pay-To-Win. BIG Changes & What It Really Means

Asmongold covers the biggest change since Lost Ark launch. Amazon & Smilegate admit the game felt like it was pay-to-win and make a number of changes to address this issue. Here’s what you can expect & when this will take effect.

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46 thoughts on “Lost Ark Devs Admit It's Pay-To-Win. BIG Changes & What It Really Means”

  1. ???? But what exactly did they do? Why are ppl excited about this news ? For a skin, a mount and a pet? I still failed 9 upgrades in a row after all this wonderful news about the "big changes". Why do more mats matter if the honing is pure cancer? Sheeps…. sheeps following a clueless baboon!

  2. Makes it FEEL pay to win. Feelings don't equate to facts, and that's what everyone wants to operate off of now.. feelings.

    Who gives a fat frog's ass if you have to wait another few days because you failed some hones? If you're so impatient to see the endgame stuff that you're literally going to cry p2w in massive numbers because whales got there first.. you have bigger issues.

    Don't spend a dime and enjoy the game like all of the smart people. This isn't WoW where you're going to be handed epics simply because "muh busy life not fair for game time".. absolutely pathetic.

    I'll be in tier 3 today and I haven't spent a dime buying materials. I've made bank selling them, which obviously slowed my own progress a bit, but I'm also smart enough to realize it's a system very easy to capitalize on.. similar to the professions in WoW during the first month of an expansion.

    People have serious mental issues today, christ.

  3. You have to admit. That was a pretty damn good and proper response. Kudos Smilegate for listening to player concerns. It does seem that honing success percentages are not accurate to the downside. I hate games with too much RNG. So this aspect will remain a big disappointment.

  4. Asmon is so easily thrown from one extreme to the other. He's surely mostly acting for shock value but it's annoying and unfair to game companies.

  5. Lol they’re such grifters. Every one is all giving them kudos cause they admit it. But they made it that way on purpose and if there weren’t backlash I guarantee you the pay to win would continue. Ofc pay to win will persist regardless of what devs do cause of rmt and botters.

  6. Heroes? Are they playing the same game? I'm a handyman with a sword! I move shit from here to there, look after your kids and SOMETIMES kill some demons… Mostly I move stuff for people who are too lazy to lift a box and move it 4 feet

  7. I think the west has gotten too used to delusional game developers like blizzard and EA and have forgotten that most of the best managed games came from the east and they have much more experience with drawing on their failures.

  8. TBH, I don't agree with this overgifting… The game is new and fresh. I want to EARN the stuff myself, by playing isles, enjoying content, exploring. Over time.

    Now this feels just like another rush force.. Now I get unecessary gifts that force me to skip content! Like wtf, I play the game to play, not play to skip?? The problem of pay2notplay, now free2notplay… All these previous wrong things lead to more wrong things IMHO. Making a fresh release game even worse. So IMHO they should not just listen to what people want, because majority is not right. But use common sense and experience of what a new game should feel like…

    I really don't get it. Such rich and unique game design everywhere… but they are not proud about it? AGAIN: This game is amazingly designed: 10-50 (so much there, for anyone), T1 (so much there), T2. I feel all is really worth so much. Even T1/T2 bosses are rather challenging and well designed (if you are not overgeared!).
    Yet it constantly feels like we should rush through and skip everything.

    This is all caused by players complaining about Argos. Now why is it bad? And makes you skip content – you could say then just stick at T1 and t2 and wait.
    Well shit bro, if I do that I can't accept the Weekly locked Event Rewards from the Grand Prix for T3 (it's item-level-locked…) – ON TOP of dailies and weeklies, which IMHO was already that annoying thing – together with too quick new content.

    Also I don't get how any of this battles bots.(?) They profit of all this, too. (such as the free mats)

    That being said: I'm all for new content and being up there when it releases! I really want to point this out. I am a huge fan of endgame, and improving my skill and having challenges…
    HOWEVER HOWEVER this really is a new and fresh game, to most western players. And as such I want to enjoy that new game experience and not skip it all by either getting super gifts… or rushing through it mindlessly. (gift2notplay/play2notplay) Because I almost have to everyone knows. (see above, T3 bonus only to those already being there…..) Almost, I won't but the pressure is there.

    Again don't understand me wrong, it's cool to get gifts in the long run, speed ups and so on. But not at your first playthrough, not when there is that really unique first-time experience ("first time is the best").

    It's really the wrong timing, it would be quite handy later, when you would want like boost twinks.

    It simply doesn't feel good or rewarding actual play and challenging self-play. Which is the actual longterm and enjoyable part of MMOs. Again nothing against progressed endgame, and helping mates anywhere once you are up there, it's another topic. We speak about a nice new release here.

  9. I like you AsmonG, but you are really hyping this too much. Remember it's a new game, that unique first time experience. Free gifts are awesome later, not now. (making you skip a lot) And of course nothing against some occasional login bonus, it helps casuals, because it's unconditional. However the event is conditional (you need be T3 to even get T3 stuff), forcing more skip and rush…They just hype this to make up for previous mistake – an error to make up an error (by fixing a bug creating new bug, the programmer issue). If you think twice, while this is awesome that they do SOMETHING and see (or at least pretend to) that there was a mistake, it's suboptimal. It's a new game and has so much potential for long term player base – the content is really great and they put much of it to waste IMHO. It doesn't foster long time fans and players, Imo. They are only reacting to complaints of the few endgame T3 players that feel that weird urge to super max out everything in a few weeks. (and of course fair enough about gap creating by Argos, another topic) AGS/SG even revealed themselves, they know that most are in T1 and T2 and only some in later stages.

  10. Great news from the devs and I can't wait to see it pan out, but to point out they didn't say that Lost Ark was P2W at all, they just said they heard player concerns that it felt P2W. Not that they agree or that they view it as that. The old 'I'm sorry if you feel that way' classic.

  11. Thank you Asmon for this video and I am very excited about the news. I just hit t3 on my main and am now working on my bard to get out of t2. Seeing this decisive response from the devs really put a smile on my face and encourage me to keep on playing

  12. Smoke and mirrors. They arnt really addressing the problem, just putting a barely useful bandaid on it thatll give us 2-3 more attempts a week. That wont even put a dent in the problem. As for the bribery pack, its hilariously ironic that their 'gift' doesnt even include honing mats. Talk about failing to read the room.

  13. They didn't expect Westerners to be stupid, that's all. They release the content to be "there'" it was under everyone's risk to do the content, yet players feel rushed to clear that content. From that they feel needed to use cash to upgrade.

    So what the Dev say clearly is that we ARE idiots, still they have reason for that. Next time they wont give us anything beforehand because we always complain. Since day 1 players have been rushing skipping cutscenes, dialogs and side quest just to reach the T3 fast, that wasn't the purpose.

  14. you have all these people defending the game from criticism about it being pay-to-win, then the fucking devs themselves come out and say it actually ia pay-to-win. just shows how people will tell themselves anything and refuse to listen to reason or facts.

  15. we are missing to much stuff, playing RU version, we are missing like 60% of early game not just later tier3 stuff but extra islands, activities, heroic dungeons, and better honing system is missing

  16. if they don't fix (buff) honing rates, and casino stone chances, then none of this shit matters. nothing has changed. it will still be pay to progress at any reasonable speed. IE: not spending weeks grinding mats to get a single item upgraded 1 point.

  17. Of course, its p2w anyone that denies it is an idiot or paid a lot to hit T3 fast and has to lie to themselves to sleep at night. They even monetized deaths/respawns LMAO. This game stole its entire gear grind system, skin dye, pay to boost your odds mechanics from Tera and then tripled the monetization and idiots are thanking them for it LMAO. Once the paid streams dry up this game will die so fast… Between the bots hacking, the elitist douchebag player population, and the paid streamers hyping it up then leaving when the paid stream contracts dry up, the game is doomed to die, just a matter of time really, 6 months or less.

  18. I mean, yeh, lost ark is p2w, but as a f2p I don't feel pressured to pay for anything and have zero issues having fun while I play the game.

    I think the problem is some basement dwellers have the entitlement and demands of whales, but none of the wallet to back them up, so these losers put on their f2p cap and beg for things like they speak for the entire community.

    Like seriously, you earn less than third world wages hourly if you try to min max the game 14 hours a day, its actually pathetic. Go get a fking job and stop crying out of your mom's basement lol 😂

  19. Asmon has said this a million times but it's true here. It's players jobs to find problems, and devs to find solutions. The fact they come out and say they see the problems is great. Contrast to Blizzard who finds new problems to give to players and players are trying to find solutions.


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