Lost Ark ~ Amazon is ALREADY Nerfing Guardian Raids & Abyss Raids, Thoughts from a RU Vet.

Link to the Nerf Announcement: https://forums.playlostark.com/t/regarding-guardian-raid-and-abyss-dungeon-difficulty/220010

Vote in my poll here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrQJIAgv_HRZ8zGp6uXdWOA/community

I’m simply wondering where this feedback is coming from. I’m talking about my thoughts on these nerfs for the content and how I feel about it.

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27 thoughts on “Lost Ark ~ Amazon is ALREADY Nerfing Guardian Raids & Abyss Raids, Thoughts from a RU Vet.”

  1. I really am trying to read all comments but you guys are insane! I can barely keep up! Thank you all for sharing your new-player experience with me, most of all I hope you are enjoying Lost Ark and have fun!

    On a different note – a lot of people mention that our guardians got HP buffs. While that is true, that was in relation to the BETA patch we had. We don't know what the beta patch was and if that was the same patch other regions had. I can tell you with guarantee that some guardians are a massive pushover compared to the RU version already. All I hope is that they do not touch legion raids besides the Original Nerfs that also happened on KR!

  2. 3:15 I think this is the misconception that lead you to not agree with the nerf. The MASS is actually the people who have problem with it. It's a FEW that are streamers and pros.
    With millions of players, they have to tweak for the big chunk of players in the "middle"

  3. THE PROBLEM IS that the raids are very repetitive and if you have to do the same mechanics 100 times for 20 mins that crap gets boring over time. US/EU will soon realize this game isn't for them.

  4. ok bud, not that many have static parties to get this shit done and learn the mechanics as well… I have got into endddllleeeeeessssssssssssss groups where 2/3 had no clue and when you don't have a fucking clue it can be very punishing and you are there trying to get your alt to get fucking gold from abyssal and well… 4 runs in and they still die to mechanic…. so I don't give a crap that they nerf early content, go cry somewhere else

  5. This might just be because I'm bad and/or don't know how some things work in this game, but I really dislike that you can get unlucky in terms of what classes you get matched up with for the stagger check in Hildebrandts Palace. Sometimes you have two Berserkers and you don't have to worry at all, and other times you ult, nade and use all your highest stagger abilities and it's nowhere close.

  6. hard to learn when you have to keep chugging expensive pots. also the game gives mechanics pointer during the fight it's so hard reading with it being so small and disappear so quickly, they should have put it out at the selection screen where we can read it before we go in. i did all the guardians up to one before yoho pre nerfed and it wasn't too bad but now they hardly do any damage. Yoho even after nerfed is still pretty difficult even with 4 semi competent people in matchmaking that knows the movement set of the boss.

    they need to fix matchmaking somehow, i have been with a paladin with level 3 grudge and nothing else, plenty of people came in without any pots. it's so frustrating for someone playing with no friends or guild.

    maybe let people to use the cheaper heal over time pots for single player guardian mode so we can learn the moveset without paying so much in pots.

  7. As a new player of Lost Ark, I cannot really intelligently comment on LA Raid Difficulty at any level. However, having raided in a number of MMOs, including WotLK during it's 'normal' release cycle, I can say that your thinking on how current players are approaching raiding in LA is most likely Spot-On.

    I am feeling that the vast majority of current MMO players are, due to WoW approach to current dungeon / raid content, expecting 'Easy-Mode' dungeons and raids. Because that is what WoW has given them for the past decade. Not just WoW, but they are the main offenders.

    For myself, I always study up on any group content I am going to participate in. I will watch videos of boss fights until I know what order the bosses will be seen in. What their major mechanics are. What I am expected to do in the fight. Of course, being in the fight is different than studying it; I understand that. But from my recent experience in FFXIV raids and trials, I can see that the vast majority of today's players just go into fights expecting it to be 'easy', expecting to be 'carried', or expecting to 'learn as you go'. Makes the content 'not fun', that's for sure. I quit FFXIV because I was sick of having to PUG dungeons and raids with folks like that.

    So, I think that reducing difficulty this early is a typical Amazon Games move to capture as much Low-Hanging Fruit as possible and keep that fruit in the Basket as long as possible. Until it totally rots away.

    Truly a pity. Lost Ark is a great game. Amazon Games is not a great company; at least as far as MMOs are concerned.

  8. Nerfs always faster and cheaper (or even safer) way to help new players than make a complete new patch from scratch and adding quality of life or beginner friendly features.
    Since there are no add-ons as far as i know, making brand new UI improvements / indicators / visual guides(alterations) for the game is pretty huge.
    I think new players are not used to catch up immediatly to eyeframe correctly the untelegraphed (or hard to see/spot) boss abilities and avoid it.
    Stagger cheks not very intuitive also i find hard to execute counters.

  9. People arent willing to learn and want the loot. Perhaps people look at these guardian raids as dailies? And they just want the loot and get on to lategame. As for me i save the consumeables for later content that is harder, the scorpion boss is killable by just dodging everything and bringing more stagger for example. Ive got trashed by that boss for a couple of days until we beat it though haha.

  10. plays casually, personally I compare it to monster hunter (guardian raids) first few I just plowed but then the 4th guy plowed me and quite hard for awhile still, keep distance learn the the enemy move set and learn to pew without getting pewed- does not watch videos learns the hard way and personally enjoy the challenge and taking my time with the content- I agree with fox in fears, don't copy wow- DO listen to your playerbase but also DON'T compromise good content- but honestly you know they will listen to the whales echo more then anything else soooooo its already happened. soz brah

  11. I think it probably comes down to a pretty typical experience, and it has been my experience as well, namely that every single abyssal dungeon group i've joined has failed and then broken apart. Maybe my luck is bad, but the groups could not do mechanics.

  12. honestly i think these fears are unfounded. they specifically stated that they are nerfing it because you are on the content for such a small amount of time and having to learn fights for like 2 days of doing it, much less time than kr and russian players had to learn the fight. it just wouldn't make sense for them to nerf t3 content when keeping that in mind

  13. If you HAVE to check guides outside of the actual game in order to figure out what to do, that's not great game design.

    Just saying "people don't want to learn" is mischaracterizing the problem. Lots of people are fine with difficulty, but dying to something that makes you go "how the heck was I supposed to know that?" Can leave a bad taste in your mouth.

  14. As a new player, yes the 'low level' stuff (second abyss dungeon for example) feels WAY too hard, particularly if you are trying to do it with pubs. I my experience it took me from going: "man this game is a blast, I'm really enjoying myself" to "wow this isn't fun at all, why am I doing this again?" pretty much immediately.

    The difficulty itself is fine, but the curveball mechanics that essentially expect you to mind-read the game (unless you look up an outside guide) feel cheap. It also doesn't help when experienced players shit on newbies for not knowing those curveballs ahead of time.

    I get that I'm not a veteran, but it doesn't seem outlandish to expect a reasonable chance of clearing with a 'matchmaking' kind of team. I think that's what the devs were pointing too as well (stuff with like sub 10% based on their own stats).

  15. where ever the original korean game is, thats where the whole game should be. if none of this was nerfed in the main game as long as its been out then clearly its do-able and people should learn rather than dumb everything down for themselves. people are so unwilling to actually PLAY the game, cant even count how many time ive gotten into abyss raids and wiped 1-2 times and everyone just quits

  16. The game is just awful at showing people what mechanics are happening, there are no tells for anything. This nerf is already too late, most casual people who have hit this late T1 wall will have already quit.

    Also you are delusional if you think its only a small minority who are unhappy with it, for well over half the playerbase all of this content is unclearable. The DPS checks in the guardian raids are insurmountable for almost every matchmaking party, and the vote quit in abyss dungeons after 1 wipe just ruins that experience too. From their internal data guardian raids have a 10% clear rate, TEN PERCENT! Thats fucking insane.

    Honestly its an ARPG, nothing outside of actual endgame raids should be difficult, everything should just be a smash and grab loot fest outside of legion raids.

    Clearing some of these like Fox Yoho in matchmaking is literally harder than doing savage raids in PF on XIV. I spent 5 hours in 1 night trying to get a single kill on Yoho in matchmaking and never got her below 15%.

  17. I completely agree with you … I was surprised how eeeeeasy the raids are now compared to before. I really looked forward to alberhastic but she was so eeeeeasy now. 2 out of two completions in just 5-7 minutes without any death ….

  18. Genuine question, did they even add indicators to say "deal damage here" and so on on Vertus? Because I've been hard stuck on him for ages even many item levels over the minimum, and I don't remember ever seeing an indicator to break his tail like other videos I've seen on the KR and RU servers.

  19. This game is really beautiful in terms of graphics and story. However, this game wants to focus on the boss mechanics and details in the boss dungeons, rather than the boss, compared to other games, so it is normal for the players to have difficulties and boredom while cutting the boss. Such mechanics can also be a serious problem for the future of the game. Players usually focus on the damage areas left by the boss on the floor, trying to avoid them and inflict as much damage on the boss as possible, which is the case with many games. Watching long dungeon videos and memorizing them then failing the app puts many players off the game, which may be the reason for the early nerfs.


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