Lord Of The Rings Total War Third Age! Give The Orcs Nothing! But Take From Them Everything!

We’re gone need to invent bulldozers soon or clearing the corpse piles from Infront of the walls will be a tougher challenge then holding the great river Anduin! Hmmm it WOULD be pollution but maybe just maybe…

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14 thoughts on “Lord Of The Rings Total War Third Age! Give The Orcs Nothing! But Take From Them Everything!”

  1. So, to correct your friend. The ai has stacks that spawn in specific events, and during garisons, other than that it does use the recruitment system. The only slight difference is in dac it "spawns" the units on the timers rather than building them. However this is a workaround from bugs from the heavy modding of a 20 year old game. The important thing is that their production is entirely linked to their cities. Removing high production cities removes their ability to produce.

  2. The 'dangers' of the religious right are in the same class as the 'red scare': greatly exaggerated by the left because they were closer to the truth than the progressives felt comfortable with. So they had to be vilified in the same way gamergate, incels, MAGA, ect have been. Ask anyone who lived through that era and you will hear how the only time you heard of the 'excesses' of the religious right was on the news media… and we all know how unbiased and reliable they are.

  3. Hay arch, the reason for the story's and heroes thing is because if they were honest, it would be if they took off the mask they would make ordinary European men like you and me the bad guys and they would cheer seeing us pined to the wall and shot they would cheer seeing the Bible burnt and the priest slaughtered on mass. But because if they come wide open it would be an easy victory for us they mask their hate. They use drones (people who don't think) to make stories and since they don't think they create what ever is the current set of instructions instead of telling a good story about how and why they live on hate and why they hate you. Proof French revolution, Russian revolution, Spanish Civil War, German invasion of Poland and Russia. (Italy to a vary small extent but from communist propaganda who knows what is true). Also to conclude are bad guys are thier mass murdering mass rapeing hero's.

  4. A fun thing that was pointed out to me is that Charlie from Hazbin, being the daughter of Satan himself, is literally a rich white woman fresh out of school trying to import the less fortunate into Haven. Just something I thought Arch might enjoy.

  5. Medieval 2 and Empire are the best Total War games. Both lovingly modded with old world craftsmanship, Stainless Steel and Call of Warhammer for ME2 and American Civil War and Empire 2 for Empire are standouts.

  6. The barracks event would have happened on turn 50 or 60. Nothing other than turn number triggered it. However the barracks event has been removed from the mod for the last 3 versions, or since 3.0. you can build the advanced barracks as soon as you upgrade your cities. That's actually the reason the cities start so low level, it's a new form of limit.

  7. ARCH the meeting Hall building line also reduces corruption and increases public order. I'm also pretty sure it's what allows you to build better barracks now that they've removed the barracks event.
    Also whoever told you the event is still there is wrong. They removed it like 4 years ago.

  8. In my last Gondor campaign, I actually lost the game because the orcs brought enough units to just move order all units through mine and into the city center where they stayed through the timer despite me having over 75% of my defenders left.


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