Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Episode 1 – 2 FULL Breakdown and Easter Eggs

Lord Of The Rings The Rings Of Power Episode 1 and Episode 2. Sauron Explained, Galadriel, War of Wrath, Silmarils, One Ring Of Power Easter Eggs ► https://bit.ly/AwesomeSubscribe
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Covering Full Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power Episode 1 and Episode 2. How Sauron Created the Rings of Power Explained, The One Ring. Lord of the Rings Movies Easter Eggs, Fellowship of the Rings, Two Towers, Return of the King. The Hobbit Movies. Major Characters like Sauron, Galadriel, Elrond Explained. How they’ll handle Gandalf and Hobbits.

Prologue First Age War of Wrath, Morgoth Explained. Two Trees Explained and Galadriel History. The Lord of the Rings Rings Of Power Episodes will begin right after The First Age and the War of Wrath against Morgoth. When Sauron escapes. Young Galadriel will be hunting Sauron and the remaining forces of Morgoth. Young Elrond will be dealing with the Dwarves of Khazad dum and their King Durin. Covering the downfall of numenor.

Lord of the Rings Episode 1 release date Sept. I’ll be doing videos for all the episodes. All the major events of the second age and the War of the Last Alliance. That is seen in the Beginning of Fellowship of the Ring where Isildur defeats Sauron and takes the one ring of power.

Set thousands of years before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, the series is based on author J. R. R. Tolkien’s history of Middle-earth. It begins during a time of relative peace and covers all the major events of Middle-earth’s Second Age: the forging of the Rings of Power, the rise of the Dark Lord Sauron, the fall of the island kingdom of Númenor, and the last alliance between Elves and Men. These events take place over thousands of years in Tolkien’s original stories, but are condensed for the series.

Black Panther 2 Trailer, Secret Invasion Trailer, and lots more like Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty Trailer, Avengers 6 Secret Wars Trailer, Deadpool 3, Fantastic Four Teaser and videos at the Marvel Comic Con Panel.

My She Hulk Episode 4 Trailer video will post next wed! My House of the Dragon Episode 3 video will post Sunday. Lord Of The Rings Episode 1 and Episode 2 and Star Wars Andor Episode Videos soon!

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35 thoughts on “Lord Of The Rings: Rings Of Power Episode 1 – 2 FULL Breakdown and Easter Eggs”

  1. I wonder if any of these segments will pull a West World. Even though all the events seem to be happening at the same time. We'll find out something(s) had happened further back in the past.

  2. Haven't seen a TV show in a LONG time. Episode 1 was pretty cool. None of the plots or subplots are 'weak.' In fact. They're quite compelling, although kinda wondering about that teenager, with the 'cursed' sword hilt. Streaming 'TV' is like this 'in between world' of cinema movies and normal TV. Really glad I watched this. Curious to see how the Gil Galad story develops, because it's pretty easy to see how the fates are not going to be kind to him. I thought Gil Galad was the King of Gondolin, and Gondolin fell. Episode 1, he's king, but situated in a place like Rivendell. Maybe this Elf King is not the Gil Galad from 'the Silmarilian.' Plus. Memory tells me Gondolin mighta not been on Middle Earth. This was decades ago, for me, reading this stuff.

  3. So I don’t understand those who watch this series and then write angry comments, and then watch episode 2 again. It's like eating manure, swearing that he was given manure instead of normal food, but still continue to eat manure…

  4. Appreciate all the work you've put into this man. Very solid points. My guess is, Sauron is Halbrand too. He just seems to be at the right place, at the right time. It was further strengthened when I saw Ep 3 where he wanted to be "connected" to smithing or a blacksmith and probably build a rep from there. Although it seems Celebrimbor already had the plan of the forge at this time which means someone already introduced him the idea of forging the rings. I guess we all have to watch on and see where this leads us. Will definitely watch your videos. Keep em' coming!

  5. The series feels more like a Disney show than a true fantasy series. There's too much visual effects rather than stick to the lore and slow the pacing down. The story telling is absolutely horrendous. I love LOTR movies and Peter Jackson was a great story teller. Rather watch House of the Dragons than this, better story telling and directing.

  6. My favorite scene is the one where they're fighting the snow troll and it's so cold they're so far north that their torches don't give off any heat. And it's also so cold that their noses and mouths don't give off any hot steamy breath even though it's snowing in the cave and the snow troll being a giant warm-blooded creature isn't giving off any hot steamy breath either. This follows in Peter Jackson's footprints when he did King Kong and in January on New Year's Eve King Kong and the girl are sliding around on the pond and neither one of them has a steamy breath and it's like 10° outside and snow and ice is all over the road and she's climbing to the top of the Empire State Building at dawn in a slip and pumps. And during all of those last scenes in King Kong the girl and that giant ass gorilla never gave off one steamy breath. Talk about blithering stupidity. The clowns that are making the ring need to pay more attention to the details. At least James Cameron new to comp in steamy breath when the girl, was trying to pull her boyfriend onto the wreckage at the end of the movie.

  7. If you watch the scene where Galadriel jumps into the water as the sea serpent is attacking the survivors raft, at 30:10, she appears to look very closely at the serpent and it’s tail. The tail looks to be wrapped with a rope and have a spear in it. Not sure how to read into this but it looks like it was maybe provoked to attack the ship? The point is I believe this to be hinting as something otherwise why would they show her look intently and then show the close up of the tail?

  8. Episode 1 and 2 was really really good and made me wants to see more… They were exciting episodes and thought to my self that this show is going to be way better than House the Dragons who's pilot episode feels kind of slow and not so interesting…. But watching both shows week after week that feeling that I want to see more shifts to House of the Dragons, for someone like me who only knows this two shows from the series and movies, I am looking for thier connections to the previous shows and movies. My problem with Ring of Power is there are characters from the movies that are still alive in the series and I cant reconcile them with the character from the movies. This is so true for Elrond and Galadriel. Will Gandalf and Saruman also appear, I hope they make better connection with these two…. Durin on the other hand not so much problem since he only had little screen time during 5 Armies… But Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf and Saruman they cannot mess up with these characters.


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