Long Bad Hooves – Horse Shelter Heroes S4E22

On this episode of Horse Shelter Heroes, Todd from Horse Shelter Heroes Season 1 comes by to help train some horses, Dr. Nancy keeps us updated on Glimmer’s ears, and you get a sneak peek into two amazing organizations which will be featured on Season 4 of Horse Rescue Heroes. Sit back and enjoy this week’s episode!

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41 thoughts on “Long Bad Hooves – Horse Shelter Heroes S4E22”

  1. Glimmer’s ears are looking so much better! Dr. Nancy you are amazing! Most of all for your love of your patients 😊, you seem so well-organized and β€œknow your stuff!” You are appreciated. Thanks so much!😊🩡

  2. New sub, also there are some horses on their way to Mexico for slaughter in 5 or 6 days, here is one with no chance unless someone adopts fast.
    It's an ol Bask horse in trouble https://youtu.be/ZZIWF-FxsxE they will sell and ship. Several fresh victims lined up at that barn heading to slaughter. *See their other new videos and click more info if concerned about helping any of them. God bless the horse and you.

  3. I'm glad Kory has some help. He looks kind of worn out in this video.The new puppies seem happy and energetic. I bet they get adopted quickly. Glimmer's ears are looking so much better. The new growth seems much easier to remove at this point. He seems a lot more comfortable so it's working. Good to see the kitties getting homes. Those feeding stalls are a really neat setup. It looks like it makes it far easier to get a lot of horses fed with fewer staff and less running around. The horses get to eat at least partially out of any weather.

  4. Congratulations to Dapper, Willow and Tangerine! Best adopters ever. . .we really live to see the sweet kitties along with the horses. It would be 🀍🀍🀍 if we could get pics/updates from their adopters especially when they are at forever homes with HPHS staff. You all are amazing!

  5. Welcome to the new horse trainer! It’s nice that Kory has more help now. I was so glad all of the sweet kittens have been adopted! And I really hope Dusty gets adopted very soon, too! Hopefully everyone had a nice July 4th week. Looking forward to see more about the other rescues!

  6. I am glad Kory has helper . I miss the watching the girls take the horses on trail rides . You said Candy got some grooming done. If it is the same horse that gave birth couple of months ago you come along way and I hope Candy and her colt fines a good loving home asap. It's really to bad people come and go so much at Horse Plus . To bad that Jenna isn't there anymore , because Dr. Nancy needs help and you realized you need vet tech after you let her go. One vet can not do it all .

  7. Cory thank you for the patience you show the horses that need a second chance. Also it isn't the quantity of staff you have it's the quality they have that counts, you have that by the bucket load ❀❀❀

  8. Love that picture of Kory and Tangerine, climbing all over him, on his way to his furrever home. So glad to see adoptions on animals that there are no shelters for in your area. You continue to go above and beyond. Great seeing the other rescue operations.

  9. Awesome video πŸ‘ absolutely loved it! Watching Dr. Nancy and Kimberly taking care of all the kittens and treating Glimmers ears, long process but their finally starting to look better. Love Kory to death, HPHS hit gold getting him, and so happy he's "found love" with Caitlyn ❀️ They are the perfect little family. Jason and Tawnee, what can I say but you guys are simply the best! Wish y'all were in more of this video but totally understand. Love and Blessings to all at HPHS β€οΈπŸ™Œ Jennifer

  10. Love the feature on Kory. It’s nice to hear about your staff and their journey to HP. Looking forward to hearing about other employees or volunteers background…a new regular feature?

  11. I enjoyed hearing Kory's story.
    I just have a quick question? The kittens and cats don't have any toys to play with. 😒. Do you guys need some? I have some I can send you if you need them. Send me a message I'd love to help. I've donated money in the past.

  12. It's disgraceful how these greedy breeders/abusers treat these babies. They see them as little ATMs dispensing cash. It goes without saying, but keep up the good work Lee.

  13. So glad that donkey's hooves were attended to and glad some kittens got adopted. Prayers for all these good sam organizations and success in finding forever homes for the horses, donkeys, mules, cats and dogs.


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