Lone Wolf – Episode 17 – Community Design Campaign

Not quite the combat test of the SS4’s I would have chosen, but one of them versus an entire fleet of nearly 40 ships is certainly a test and a half!

You can download the Community Design Files here: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZaGXWZimgbidzxyozvGMu7pmRkHReoBhC7

This campaign was recorded using Admiralsnackbar’s balance mod which you can find here https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/40790-uad-rebalancing-mod-for-13-v1/

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy, Rui
Sergeants: Jackie, Twitchyknees
Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck, Documentleaker.


29 thoughts on “Lone Wolf – Episode 17 – Community Design Campaign”

  1. Lone Wolf? Let me guess…

    … Huh… Not Yorick? I’m shocked!
    Though, it is interesting that Yorick now seemingly has found herself with a sidekick of sorts. Been seeing Z3-18 accompanying her a good deal these past few episodes.

  2. So the Spanish Government realized they were losing the war, and decided that they didn't want to pay a whole lot of retired veterans once they stopped fighting, and chose to get them all slaughtered in a hail mary play? If they win, all well and good, and if they lose, a lot fewer pensions due. Either way there will be a lot fewer pensioners. Win-win! And as a bonus, they aren't paying upkeep on the obsolete hulls anymore.

  3. Armor limits vary by hull in 1.4 – a few of the new CL hulls (the "Escort Cruisers") can actually have a little more than 6", but the vast majority of hulls had their limits reduced.

    Lowest CL armor limit I've seen so far are the 1890 Torpedo Cruisers, with a maximum belt of 1.6" or 1.9" depending on nation.

  4. In this episode of NATURE, we watch in awe as a horde of ants attempts to take down a larger prey, except in this case they miscalculate the ferocity of their prey with deadly results. Lets watch nature at work shall we….

  5. With the complaints about the light cruisers why not refit the lk1s as with the new tech you've gotten since they were built they could get alot of upgrades. Plus they've been surprisingly effective in combat so they aren't completely useless.

  6. As much as I look forward to these episodes (and I very much do), please do take care of your health!
    With that out of the way, man, what a battle you fought vs what feels like the last remains of the Spanish fleet.

  7. Don't know how you do it BrotherMunro
    In my current campaign as the Chinese the AI is using the infuriating Swarm tactic. No opponent foes anywhere without 20+ DD's which charge at me kamikaze style to unload their hyper accurate torpedoes and somehow survive everything my ships throw at them. The AI cheats.
    I have suggested to the developers about why can't we refit a damaged ship rather than waiting for it to be repaired first. That's so annoying as is having to build a ship to the original design and then having to refit it. It there a way around this?

  8. Exemplary work.
    Truly the ideal scenario to show off our German standard.

    I promise i watch for other reasons than singing the praises of mains, 5s, and 2s but these episodes just keep giving reasons to.

    Honestly if the Cruiser had 5s I think the destroyers wouldnt have been able to close to torpedo. It felt like it was having trouble dealing enough damage, hit rate was solid just not enough oomph.

  9. Thnks for continuing to put out the great content. Again thanks for making thr campaign fun to watch by editing out slow or boring parts too 🙂👍.thanks also for letting us know about putting out more campaign episodes ans what the future brings.thanks for having these episodes come out so frequently. Its hard to wait for thr episodes lol

  10. "every object of iron is locked away; then, and only then, are peace and quiet known" – Tacitus, describing worship of the ancient Germanic goddess Nerthus

    In this case the Spanish navy got 'locked away'.

  11. Any single-torp design of destroyer seems like it's in the "not worth the effort" category after like 1905 or whenever dual tubes generally become available. The risk of any singular torpedo being a dud makes charging down any ship a fool's errand.

  12. 8:25 I've had the same problems, but I've also noticed that it only seems to happen when an enemy fleet is in transit from one sea region to the other. I think the game reads that the ships enter the region before it reads what ships are there, because I also lose immense quantities of transports from enemy fleets in transit, despite having more than enough adequate tonnage in the area.


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