London Heathrow Pods – Ride on the Heathrow Pods – Autonomous Human Transportation PODs (2022)

London Heathrow Pods. Terminal 5 to the Thistle Hotel through the Parking B via pods.

#PODS #heathrow #london


30 thoughts on “London Heathrow Pods – Ride on the Heathrow Pods – Autonomous Human Transportation PODs (2022)”

  1. Funny. Cuz I’m just realizing the tech for Elon Musk’s original plans for those stupid tunnels (like the one in Vegas) actually exists… and somehow he still couldn’t do it and just made them useless Tesla tubes instead. Richest loser ever 😂😂😂

  2. 日本にも導入されてもよさそう。

  3. All I see is a lost opportunity. Why would anyone prefer this over a light rail track? The ride isn't smooth, they need batteries and is it really selfdriving if the only thing its allowed to do is coming out the station and following the guided system? You could create a way smoother, faster and more efficient ride by just replacing this with a normal tram.

    The pods might be cheaper in the short term but given the fact I can't find anything about the yearly maintenance cost I suspect its not that great. The celebrating pods card shown in the video also confirms this. They only compare the CO2 saved against a diesel bus while the electric one seems the more obvious comparison. The 1/2 energy saved compared to "other transport" is propably also a diesel car/bus since electric busses and trams are both over 50% energy efficient.

  4. DRT's like this are useless in short distance airport transit. And I know that some people might go to the other parking lot to meet someone, but when the route is so short there will probably be trains to each destination every minute, so these would be better off having a set destination and being linked together like a tram. tldr: when the route is so short waiting isn't that much of a problem so these don't make sense.


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