Logan vs Dillon: The Worst of Humanity

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25 thoughts on “Logan vs Dillon: The Worst of Humanity”

  1. Your title is bang on. The fact this shit is considered entertainment today shows how far society had fallen. Two fake fighters talking to each other like theyre 12 year olds on a playground. One, a perpetually online loser who is the only fighter in history who is known for NOT fighting, another a lying cheating scamming piece of shit who has made a fortune ny being a professional arsehole who is dating a chick who has been ran through more than than the New York Marathon finish line. These are the people kids have to look up to as heroesz and we wonder why society is eating itself. The worst part is that everyone will complain how fuckin lame and awful it is, yet theyll pay to watch it, because….."funny". STOP IT!!!! These people are only in the positions they are because of the people who watch them. Its like the male version of Onlyfans. Men whine about girls being awful today, yet the same guys will pay a girl a monthly subscription to see her cooch. We did this to ourselves snd now were reaping the rewards. Films, music, sports, entertainment will never stop falling and being awful until WE, the consumer stop paying for it. All this shit would end overnight if people werent so hypocritical and put their money where their mouth is. Im all for pointing and laughing at dumb awful people but not paying for it and making them wealthy. We need to stop rewarding people for being awful, talentless idiots. In supporting them, we are creating even more people, who want to grow up to be awful talentless idiots.

  2. I lost it at Ja Rule. Alright, Nina.. Leo i can let you get away with, but Ja Rule? Honestly, at that point you KNOW she belongs to the streets because thats exactly where Eminem left Ja Rules a long time ago.

  3. Its sad that anyone can beef with logan and so many people are on the “fuck logan” train that they side with whoever, even if its a shitty person.

    Only thing I think is fucked up is posting nudes. That could possibly be seen as revenge porn, which, if found guilty, would require dillon to register as a sex offender. Not exactly worth a little clout imo 🤷‍♀️

    The island boys have always been corny and we should stop fueling their clout chasing antics with attention tbh. They’re goofy and not worth rly mentioning ever, especially nowadays 😂

  4. A little off about Ali, he definitely crossed the line with the trash talk before. Notably with Joe Frazier and Ernie Terrell. Tame compared today maybe but he turned both men into absolute pariahs in the black community in the 70s

  5. Only got to know about Logan Paul through PewDiePie's video on Logan's Japan controversy apology. And never knew who Dillon Danis was but damn he is cooking Logan with a whole ass wok and a barbecue grill

  6. To be fair. Logan and Jake dangled that they were banging his ex years ago.

    This was reciepts dillon has been holding back for a long time.

    This whole thing was just the perfect storm for it to occur.

  7. I don’t like people doing some fuck shit to others, but when one asshole is an asshole to another then it’s not as bad. Just don’t praise Dillon bc he’s not a good person either.


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