Living Dead | RimWorld of Magic: Necromancer Ep 29

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Combining elements of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Warhammer and the mythos of Cthulhu with a character plucked from the world of the Elder Scrolls we have quite the series ahead of us as our lone necromancer struggles along the path the Lichdom.

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20 thoughts on “Living Dead | RimWorld of Magic: Necromancer Ep 29”

  1. Rycon … not sure but I think you can use another Wall spell on the Southern part of the structure because the north and south are all divided by Doors
    also you could have wrap around paths on the defensive section that have embrasures and at the front have double or triple doors on either side that the enemies will not want to go through and double stone or steel doors (for hp) that people can come in from the sides to close so the enemies have a much harder time running way from you

    also also … loving the series and looking forward to the next one(s)

  2. Not quite a proper fantasy lake town without wooden bridges, wooden floors, wooden walls and a massive fire breathing dragon, is it?

    Since your Druid Revenant battleground is divided into two marble walls joined by doors, can you put living wall on the south side as well?

    Too bad that you cannot raise the watery ground on the crescent shaped factory and crafting room. A full circle would give a bit more balance to the base layout. But how far north do you plan to build, if at all?

  3. a fully upgraded necromancer who hasn't become a lich and has no item or clothes that provide buffs should be able to maintain 6-8 undead comfortably so long as no events that drain mana happen…

    EDIT: if you removed the magic from all "living" colonists and gave them the necromancer class you could have roughly 32 extra undead plus the ones Manos can handle…

  4. Is it worth testing to see if the living wall can move across doors or half walls, otherwise you might need to train someone to use it a second time on the other side of the box.


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