LIVE: Total solar eclipse 2024: Eclipse Across America special from ABC News, National Geographic

On Monday, April 8, at least 32 million people across the United States will find themselves in the path of a totality, where the moon will completely block the sun, providing a long and intense period of darkness. This will be the last of its kind in the U.S. until 2044.

Watch live coverage of the extraordinary solar event starting at 1pm ET on ABC, ABC News Live, Disney+, Hulu, National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo WILD.

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47 thoughts on “LIVE: Total solar eclipse 2024: Eclipse Across America special from ABC News, National Geographic”

  1. UK i remember the last in 1999 as a kid, im going spain in 2026 when it happens in europe, UK will be 90% covered gonna be fantastic… Why do Americans think its only them that has an Eclipse, you're deluded LOL, it happens around the world usually out of sight of land.

  2. I want to rewatch it because I didn’t quite understand what was happening. However seeing it on livestream and how big and beautiful the moon was it was breathtaking. To see the sun fade into darkness and then reappear after 5 minutes was omg. This was my first time seeing it and it was really cool.

  3. The fact that a eclipse happens that along explains why the flat earth theory is silly to all flat earth believers the earth is round and the planets revolve around the sun

  4. Armchair eclipse chaser here!I' m disabled and live on the west coast( CP).But if I were able bodied and had the kind of money I WOULD be going allover the world following eclipses,I JUST LOVE eclipses!!!!I'm sooooo jJEALOUS of that 105 year old amateur astronomer who has seen 13 eclipses.That little skumper!!!!

  5. Whatta grand display of God's awesome glory.and an herald of much grander things to come for us who've firmly decided to honor him in the way they live their lives.I,for one am blessed for the reason that He allowed me to stick around to behold the first one when I was supposed to be six foot under from a heart attack ,on life support for a week and the "plug pull"due to Cardiac Problems because of birth defects and live on the West Coast,so travel isn't advisable with the threat of a heart attack hanging over your head.

  6. I can’t believe they’ve actually sent a reporter from the USA to Mazatlan, Mexico, to actually make a coverage from there unlike other newscasts which only replayed NASA’s broadcast 💀

  7. i Honestly think they're Fooling everyone with those Glasses 🤣 thats Still got to be doing something to Us. thats them scientist she talking about experimenting with lasers etc…
    Come On Fellas. I don't Trust Main Stream. 🙅🏻‍♂️ Stay Safe Everyone 💙

  8. Great coverage! Saw it yesterday, partial…and partially – under a blanket of clouds that rolled into Philadelphia yesterday…the timing of that was seriously a kick in the head. Clear all morning early afternoon….UNTIL 10 min before it started at 2:08!! Missed the first 30-35 minutes of this, couldnt see it. Then bits a pieces briefly. Did see the peak 90% at 3:23, but after that more thick clouds obscured it. Oh, and it finally cleared up 5-10 minutes AFTER the event was completed. Never fails in this area!

  9. I watched this yesterday. The eclipse over Dallas segment… 1:41:43 I personally was losing my mind as those kids – their first eclipse ever – were making pinhole projectors on the table WHILE the sun was in 100% totality! I just wanted them to drop everything and take in the amazing sight above them!! Then they get interviewed by the woman Doctor, who also never experienced an eclipse. I'm sitting there watching…and mumbling "LOOK UP!!" They finally did…with the special mylar glasses, but totality it was over!

    Good coverage, still mindblowing how darker and darker it gets, surreal. Pitch black, suddenly back to a sunrise look. Amazing.

  10. To the squawker who called this "all the nonsense"I've got some news for you.what you call nonsense one day stopped a very violent,brutal,nasty,bloody six year war between two nations in the ancient world in 585 BC when the lydians&medes when atotal eclipse of the sun passed overhead known as the battle of the eclipse striking terror on both sides provoking their retreat from each other leading to marriages between them instead.Now how'THAT for nonsense????????


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