LIVE: Titanic submarine – US Coast Guard news conference on missing sub after banging sounds heard

LIVE: Titanic submarine – US Coast Guard news conference on missing sub after banging sounds heard. Captain Jamie Frederick …


22 thoughts on “LIVE: Titanic submarine – US Coast Guard news conference on missing sub after banging sounds heard”

  1. Sorry to say. But prayers are wasting time. These people won't come back alive.. my condolences to the families truly.. the navy just lies to keep their hopes up. But deep down.. they know.. it's a done deal.. this has happened before.. and they just run off hope.. but hope isn't realistic.. their fates are sealed.. truly sad situation.

  2. To all in the comments frustrated why the hacks don't ask better questions: we spent an entire pandemic of daily press briefings waiting for a journo to ask just one intelligent & relevant question. Still waiting. No point searching for intelligent life in the press pack.

  3. 1 second ago
    My heartfelt thoughts are to the families. However, all eyes are on this story… why? Rich people involved. What about the boat carrying refugees… the ceo of this company seems dodgy! The sub is not classed… totally shocking!! I work on a classed vessel located in a so called 3 rd world country and our crew have to go thru tough contingency procedures, emergency response, search and recovery, diving emergency protocol etc and we are being auditored by marine inspectors, class inspectors, passenger safety auditor on a quarterly basis. Proper documentation and certification is issued. The mother ship lost contact with the sub 1hr and 45 mins into the journey. No emergency protocols like search and recovery or report to the authorities until late evening when the sub didn’t surface… unbelievable how negligent the crew and onboard procedures. Perhaps they are so used to this sub loosing contact that no one took any action. Ceo also said in his interview that these are bot tourist but mission specialist with no advance experience needed and mentioned they will be trained as mission specialist before the trip. Shocking!! The vessel departed Newfoundland on friday and they started their decend sunday morning. What kind of training did these so called mission specialist get in 2 days? That’s ridiculous!! The ceo seems like a money hungry dude who exploited rich tourist for their bragging rights to do something so special that only they can do. Unbelievable! Fast forward, the cost of this search is not going to be super expensive and this company running this expedition will file chapter 11, get their lawyers to ensure that liability release the tourist signed is air tight so they will not bear any responsibilities… after all the face of the company is also missing in the sub!

  4. It was a sound them showing the crash on to something like a rock or ice rock, why a submarine doesn't go there now straight away with not loosing a minute, to much preparation should continue for safety but until all happen, they should send a submarine to the are now quickly an action here it is the key to save this people lives. Go to slowly to much preparation all this shoulder organise before all this people were going there and action survivor and accident precautions and procedures the company that own this sub exploring should have a plan and procedure of safety before. And NOT give up on search!!! not way!!!! until found they.!!!. And go FAST QUICK ACTION!!!!!!

  5. So it ONLY took 73 yrs to find the titanic, and you think you will find them alive? Lmfao. Stop being stupid. When you go down in the ocean in a tweenkie and you expect to come back? They're fish food. Just shut up and say, they're dead. It seems there's morons at the bottom of the ocean, and above it.


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