Live stream – Contest updates, coffee and stories

Update on Race for the Retreat, a few crazy stories and live chat!


31 thoughts on “Live stream – Contest updates, coffee and stories”

  1. It's very cool I thought about doing that back in 2012 when I was in the military and going through a divorce as a staff sergeant living out of my vehicle was awful and I fantasized about a trailer park with airstreams, strong work!

  2. What kind of drugs is this whale on? Oh, I'm telling you, you aren't hot. Just fat. And that's the thing, the health issues that go with it. And the smells. šŸ¤®
    I haven't shopped there in years, but I got a pathetic catalog from Victoria's Secret the other day. A few "models" on the front, one fat. Went into the trash so fast.

  3. No, no, no, your interpretation of the data is completely incorrect. The question wasn't about cheating being wrong. It was about cheating being always wrong. It's like a reverse to a question "Can you imagine circumstances when cheating is justified?". That's a very different question than "Is cheating OK?". So 44% of women can imagine circumstances when a woman is justified to cheat and 29% can imagine circumstances when a man is justified to cheat. 36% of liberal woman can't imagine circumstances, when a woman cheating is justified, and 64% can. But that doesn't mean 64% of liberal women think "cheating is OK". They think there may be circumstances when itā€™s OK.

    Yes, yes, I know, in practise that means they will be able to rationalize everything, but thatā€™s a different story. When asked, they donā€™t think cheating is OK. So the statement at 1:04:15 ā€œ1 in 3 of conservative women think itā€™s OK when a woman cheatsā€ is not true and isnā€™t a correct conclusion from the results.

    Are you a man? Than use some simple logic

    Oh and the conclusion: those women later will behave according to what they think when asked the question. Donā€™t even get me started.

    If you want the odds of being cheated on look at cheating statistics, not at answers to stupid questons.

  4. deĀ·ā€‹luĀ·ā€‹sion
    A persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self […] that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary.

  5. 1:04:00
    To be fair, asking a question that contains "always" (=under ANY circumstances) is just bad practice as you only have to find a single exception, however outlandish, to negate it.

  6. Victory is in the horizon.
    I cannot wait. Totally down to visit and INVEST when everything is cleared. So down. We need this, more Men need to do similar projects and or invest into this.

    It is going to be Exellent.

  7. Don't forget, the same people calling for more women in stem also accuse mathematics of being patriarchal and the scientific method of being a tool for white supremacy.


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