LIVE STREAM | Carve Spooky Pumpkins With Us!!!


26 thoughts on “LIVE STREAM | Carve Spooky Pumpkins With Us!!!”

  1. The pumpkins turned our really good. Pumpkin helps cats and dog when they have diarrhea btw. We have had to give our dog a canned pumpkin supplement off and on when he was a puppy cause of that issue. You can also use plain pumpkin. Im not sure how much to give cats. Im sure it's easy to Google. Our cats never have that issue.

  2. Good for you that you wouldn’t put any future kiddos online! Family channels exploiting their kids are gross! I wouldn’t expect anything else from you since you have said you are afraid to put all your own info online then you definitely wouldn’t put kids online and hearing someone that has a platform say that is great. So many people say it’s the kids choice but uh it’s not because minors can’t give informed consent. Good for you, Cassie! And anyone who likes family channels needs to do some research on child exploitation and abuse – start with 8 Passengers.

  3. Hi Cassie! You guys are so cute 🥰. Are you doing makeup reviews anymore? We have the exact same coloring which is really hard to find ❤. I could always count on your suggestions! Let me know?


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