LIVE storm chase TORNADO OUTBREAK expected across southern Plains.

Live tornado outbreak targeting central Kansas and Oklahoma dry line


33 thoughts on “LIVE storm chase TORNADO OUTBREAK expected across southern Plains.”

  1. with him for nearly 7 hours and when he finally gets the Tornado of a life time he forgets his job! Total Black screen !!! well now we know what its like to be visually impaired in a Tornado

  2. An epic SEVEN HOUR recording! And yet the final victory of patience & perseverance over tedium & highway hypnosis, is denied to us.
    0:00:00 > 6:41:37 and then…. Darkness. Totally, totally sux.
    But perhaps, just perhaps, a metphor for those who stare up at clouds all day, only to catch a tornado-driven piece of straw through the eye right before the real show starts. Darkness.
    And yet the 4 minutes of audio 6:45:306:49:30 are as real as it gets. Love It.
    Indeed do check out elsewhere his real-time video from this same tornado, just a damn shame they are not part of this recording.
    Prayers up for the folks in Andover Kansas tonight

  3. My Parents watch Reed when I was a little girl. I would remember Reed on the tv doing his thing chasing Tornado and I thought it was the coolest thing until his accident happened. Glad to see you’re doing well. Miss you on the OKC news

  4. I watched you the entire day trying to decide where you were going to chase and I applaud you for sticking with the science and your guts! I’m glad you rescued the drone. Amazing footage Reed. This is why you’re the OG! You didn’t follow the pack. Never stop dominating the storms!

  5. Sorry I'm in Facebook jail for saying something about a real monkey… Utter nonsense saw your tornado it was eye opening but sad for those people couldn't send stars can't comment till tommorow. 😕

  6. Reed, how come we didn't get a tornado warning or the sirens didn't go off until after the tornado was already on the ground? This video proves what I've been saying all day, despite what the Chief Firefighter has been saying, there was NOT ample warning! You can clearly see the tornado in your video, you yelled "call wichita" yet there was no warning until AFTER the tornado was already on the ground. How could this have been prevented? Thankfully we didnt have any casualities, but honestly there should have been with all the damage we have. Why did the warning come in so late?


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