LIVE Q&A Prophetic Events & Times!

In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z engaged in a question-and-answer session regarding prophetic events and times. He talked about the signs of the end of the age, with reference to the word of God drawn from Mathew 24. Then he answered a question about why there’s so much evil in the world, he clarified that God only punishes those who try to destroy his church; also, he wiped out humanity at some point because the fallen angels were recreating with the daughters of men, and introducing their demonic DNA into their bloodstream, which caused God to destroy their existence in order not to corrupt the world further.

Moving on, Joseph teaches that whenever we try to access the veil(soul) through any other means than the way God wished it, we’re hijacking God’s original principle. He explained further with the word of God taken from the book of Romans 7:21-23, which talks about the law of the mind; which causes us to consider things, and meditate on them before we take action. He clarified that we can’t be tempted by what we don’t think about, and he explained this further with the word of God from I Thessalonians 5:23. He further enlightens us that whatever controls our thoughts, control our mind and that’s exactly where we’ll find ourselves. He then chips in that praying in tongues is an act of faith and God honors anything that’s done by faith

Moreso, Joseph talked about the misunderstanding of God’s sovereignty and clarified that it’s not God’s will that all men perish and that He’s not responsible for everything bad that happens to us because His thought for us is that of good and not of evil. He clarified also that God gave us His word so that we can live in His sovereignty, and when we’re not getting what we prayed for or the healing we wanted, the fault is with us because of our lack of faith; what we receive is what we believe in, and most bad things that happen to us is because of the bad decisions we make in life.

Furthermore, Joseph shared the personal healing experiences he had with Heather and himself. He charges us to stand on the word of God, and that if we can control our emotions and hold the word of God in higher regard, we’ll begin to get what we require and what God prescribed to us from his word. He further cautions that conspiracies are a distraction and we should not subscribe to them, because there are demons involved in conspiracies. Again, he uses the story of Bathsheba to teach us the graciousness of God, and how God can turn our situation around if we repent and turn to him. He assures us that Jesus requires our love and no matter how messed up we may be, God is always ready to welcome us back when we repent.

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0:00 Introduction
09:43 Mathew 24:3-4: Don’t be Deceived
10:39 God is no Author of Evil
15:53 The Reason Why God Wipes out a Civilization
17:06 The Mind’s Eye Versus Envisioning the Future
24:33 Romans 7:21-23: Law of the Mind
35:11 Tongues and Interpretation: Praying in Tongues
43:40 Misconception About God’s Sovereignty
50:48 Man’s Free Will and Responsibility
1:00:49 Why You Must Stand on the Word of God
1:09:29 Danger of Conspiracy
1:23:38 Conclusion

May 18, 2023


35 thoughts on “LIVE Q&A Prophetic Events & Times!”

  1. Brother came to the lord in the Philippines & was going into hospitals & laying hands on the sick in Jesus name & watching them being healed & it stopped because an older brother in God said healing wasn’t for today.😢

  2. Please pray for me. I know that Jesus Christ, is our Messiah. He died for our sins. That’s why I still trust in Jesus and keep faith even as I’m constantly faced with financial hardships and can barely buy food or support my children or myself I feel like a failure. I’m a single mom my husband passed years ago. I’m all alone. Both of my sons are autistic. They require a lot from me. I recently started homeschooling them due to bullying and other issues it’s easier not to expose them to certain situations because their behavior is unpredictable, That’s why homeschooling is working out great. I’m just so overwhelmed. I lost my job at Forsyth hospital for declining the vaccine. I declined because of my health conditions lupus, and heart disease. Since losing my job I’ve been struggling to support my children and myself. I’m now waitressing and I’m grateful but I’m not making nearly enough. I feel like a failure. And now that I’m homeschooling my boys my hours to work are limited. Jesus help me. I’m tired of struggling. I get harassed over my situation by other people it hurts my heart. Because this is my truth. Struggling to buy school supplies. Struggling to buy groceries. Struggling to pay rent. It hasn’t been easy. But I still trust in Jesus. The devil wants me to quit and to give up my faith but I know all things are possible through Jesus. I will not fear, fear is from the devil. I WILL KEEP FAITH.

  3. Thank you
    I could use live prayer. My right hip pain came on suddenly and hurts pretty bad. I did not hurt myself or pulled any muscle. I'm not one to use meds unless absolutely necessary. I believe in the power of prayer when there is agreement. Blessings.

  4. Question about the giants on the earth during David’s time? Where did they come from if they were to be wiped out during the flood. Did they repeat this cycle again?

  5. When people say "God is in Control" they want "No Fault Religion" nothing is their fault. Oh! I begged for healing and it didn't come, it must be God's will I'm sick, meanwhile the Holy Spirit has been telling them to forgive that Lady in the church who offended them and they refuse. "It's God's will I'm sick" He's in control… It must be a lesson… NO you are walking in unforgiveness and God cannot keep you. That's the question you should be asking "Why can't God heal me, keep me, bless me?" Check your self before you wreck your self.

  6. WoW Joseph! Heather is blessed! In PT I always told patients to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! Heather knew. But I’m sure she is fine! Thank God!! This is an amazing story to tell everyone! Praise God!❤

  7. Love emergency tongues!! I wonder if Adam and Eve had children in the Garden and how long before they sinned. I think Adam and Eve's kids had children and it grew from there. Aren't demons the 1/3 of angels cast out of Heaven?

  8. My mother had a back alley abortion in the late 50's/early 60's and bled heavily. I was born years later. When i was 25 my mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She had been a born again, tongue speaking believer who was prayed over, annointed with oil many times. She was given 6months and lived 2 years and died with dignity and grace. I believe the cancer was from the abortion and her not going to the doctor for years. Sometimes no matter the faith christians die..Kim Clement wasn't healed but his ministry and prophecies are still relevant today.

  9. Thank you for this I'm watching the replay I've been watching this off an on for almost 3 hours to get this whole message it is so good thank God I got to see this. God bless you Joseph Z for being obedient to the Father today hallelujah hallelujah Jesus is Lord Amen Amen and Amen 🙏🔥🙏🩸🩸🩸🙌🙌🙌♥️♥️♥️

  10. I contracted HPV shortly before becoming pregnant with my first born. It was the strain that is cancerous. They monitored it all through my pregnancy, taking biopsies biweekly (there is a whole lot of spiritual warfare through that with the life and health of my baby) after I had her when she was 2 months I became saved, 1 month later I had a check up for the HPV and it was full blown, they were ready to start taking action to treat it as cervical cancer. The doctor told me to come in the next day for the last biopsy before we make a plan, I went into the room, new in faith, and just prayed that there would be nothing there for them to take a biopsy of, he came in took at look. He looks at me in astonishment and told me it's all cleared up. Less then 24 hrs from ramped to nothing. Small prayer, full faith. And it now been 15yrs and still healed! ❤🎉

  11. God ministered to my exact situation through you today! We had a certain someone who was being a bully and we tried to hold our tongue but we decided to try to use wisdom but it backfired and turned into a passive aggressive battle but God showed me what to do and you explained how it was a confirmation

  12. My sister-in-law fought breast cancer for 5 yrs. She had such faith that she told people all the time: if I remain here, I am healed. If I go to GOD, I am healed. Regardless of the outcome, I will be healed. She is with GOD.


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