LIVE Q&A Feb 7 2024

Weekly Q&As are where you get to ask me whatever and then I say whatever and it’s like whatever


25 thoughts on “LIVE Q&A Feb 7 2024”

  1. To the person who asked if society collapsing do to boomers buying on margin. A VAST majority of our inflation is absolutely a result of that. This kind of behavior predates boomers though, so placing the blame on them alone isn't entirely accurate. That and most of them didn't realize that's what was happening when they got a mortgage from a bank.

  2. So you saw my prior comment about how your life isn’t real.

    Pursing the information that has “fallen through the cracks” when observing the world around you, you realize you are leveling out of this state of consciousness.

    It’s a mistake. Never too late to turn back.

  3. 1:25:33…and you (only) gave me 5 bucks! When you get pissed it makes me laugh!
    Most of the time I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or avoidant with your answers. You are a small sliver of sunshine🌥, in my rather cloudy existence.☁

  4. 9:50 nobody should be even slightly surprised about this as we have been watching boomers spend every last penny of possible inheritances so that they can go on one last cruise ship or buy one more vacation home before they die.

  5. Man I have to disagree about things breaking down because the boomers are dying Gen X is pretty intelligent and pretty aware of the fact that no one else cares if society collapses or not I don't think we're going to let it go but I do think that once we're done yeah what you said might happen will happen but not for one more generation. At least not in my opinion.


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