LIVE: Post Office inquiry: watch as former boss gives evidence

Adam Crozier, the former CEO of Royal Mail and Alan Cook, the former managing director of Post Office give evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry.

Alan Bates and the hundreds of other sub-postmasters wrongly prosecuted by the Post Office have alerted the public to the importance of correcting miscarriages of justice.

Former City bankers may struggle to win the same degree of public sympathy, but if they have been wrongly convicted their cases are equally deserving of a legal remedy.

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41 thoughts on “LIVE: Post Office inquiry: watch as former boss gives evidence”

  1. 'Robust' systems, 'safe and effective' vaccines. Tut tut. We need an appearance of Mr Beer in all enquiry affairs. Hallett and co seem to not understand a bad molecule versus one that is at least safe!

  2. What I’m curious about is why the people at Bracknell were changing sub postmaster accounts in the first place WHY
    I’m missing something here perhaps someone can fill me in

  3. My thought is – who the forced paybacks were going to – and who was initiating the false discrepancies. And where the false-stolen money "paid back" under enormous duress went to. UNAWARE UNAWARE UNAWARE. SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK. IT WISNAE ME, HONNNESTTT. See whatt III meannn. Smirk. Can't remember (David Brent wink aside to camera).

  4. Gross negligence at the very least for many of these Execs, incompetence and abundant lies. The truth is coming out and I hope they get serious jail time for all the immense suffering they have caused to decent law abiding people and their families. Hopefully the police will start taking action soon. Disgusting too how they are trying so hard to minimise compensation and in an untimely manner!

  5. Slimy people. Nasty and vindictive. If they could and would have got away with it they would have, laughing all the way into their retirements. Whilst innocent people suffered broke, robbed and in jail. Evil is what it is, it's beyond regret from them all

  6. He been lying all thow this he know what was going on they all new all of them and he does not look comfortable and to many i can't remember or i did not see this the inquire should pull them up if they even think they are lying and dont !!!!

  7. Is it any wonder the post office is in the state it’s in, when people like this and venables was in charge. sick and tired of the, it was so long ago now I can’t remember, and it wasn’t in my remit, and with hindsight I can see that, all bullshit

  8. “I apologise the organisation I was paid millions to run, put you in prison for a crime you didnt commit, Im sorry!” Who could bring themself to say that – unless it was to their legal advantage


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