LIVE Gorilla hail and Tornado threat in the Texas Panhandle – AGAIN!

SITREP – How about a little more! Texas panhandle Magic today with gorilla hail, tornadoes, and flash flooding possible. This is live storm chase mode from the Dominator Fore! Do not follow professional storm chasers, and PLEASE do no track Reed down.

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Follow me along on the live map, but do not track me down PLEASE

Never Stop Chasing


37 thoughts on “LIVE Gorilla hail and Tornado threat in the Texas Panhandle – AGAIN!”

  1. I’m very interested in people like reed. People who can be so passionate and obsessed with one subject for so long. I watched tornado glory earlier today and the passion hasn’t died at all. The last frame of this live stream says it all. Absolute exhaustion. And he’ll keep going everyday for another 3 months if given the opportunity. Very inspiring!

  2. Idaho Falls Idaho was getting hammered tonight with rain pouring down big hail wind thunder lightning the streets were flooding they don't usually get weather like that

  3. My goodness Reed, how do you find such beautiful storms to study. The colors, ever so subtle, are violently beautiful. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge.

  4. If any of the storm chasers did not want their windows broken out by hail storms whenever they’re pulled over, they could cut a piece of cardboard out of a large box and keep it with them at all times in their vehicle and put it over the outside of the windshield and the cardboard would absorb the impact and not let the glass get shattered or broken… The cardboard idea goes for anyone else That gets caught out driving and hail storm happens and they need to pull over


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