Little Shop of Horrors – re:View

We have a second channel now for clips and highlights:

Colin from Canada is back to talk with Jay about one of the best musicals of all time, The Little Shoop of Horrbles! Starring Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Steve Martin, and the single best puppet ever put in a movie. How many people actually read these descriptions? And how many people are going to leave a comment angry at Colin and Jay for pretending they don’t know who Steve Martin is before getting to the later part of the video where they make it clear that they do know who Steve Martin is.


40 thoughts on “Little Shop of Horrors – re:View”

  1. Thanks guys. I always thought this was a silly remake, but your review totally inspired me to watch it and yay it's a really unique and charming movie. Loved the styling and the sweetness. I watched the director's cut which is great but I actually wouldn't mind the happy ending, I really liked the two protagonists and their love story.

  2. Can you guys upload some normal people shit? Talk to me review? Anything? Plz no best of the worst nonsense wasting 12 hours of your day watching bad movies, it’s so uninteresting. Do a movie review that people wanna hear. There’s like 4,000,000 movies you haven’t talked about that are actually good

  3. I’ve been watching fanboy flicks, dead meat, Jeremy Jahns, and Chris Stuckman for years, and I’ve never really been a big fan of this channel I’m not a hater it just didn’t vibe with me, but just a couple weeks ago I randomly decided to put on one of your videos. Dont know what I was smoking because I’m literally watching these vids like crazy now.

  4. My daughter is named Audrey after this film 😅 hands down my absolute favourite film of all time – I had never seen the Director's Cut until my husband and I watched it together at 3am while I was preparing for a row of nightshifts – we were both ridiculously tired, and couldn't work out what on earth was happening, having watched the film over 50 times, I thought we were perhaps having some kind of shared delirium.

  5. I saw the stage production at one point and it still had just as much swearing in it as the movie.

    I always noticed a lot of musical parallels between The Little Mermaid and Little Shop of Horrors. Ashman/Menken certainly had a formula they liked to stick to, like the obligatory calypso song (Some Fun Now vs. Under the Sea).

  6. I always said the same as Jay, the best thing they could have done is show the full sad ending, then have the credits start to roll and then it turns out it's just Seymour's imagination, and it's motivating him to successfully kill the thing and have the happy ending.
    Then you have like, one of the flowers in their garden just turn and face the camera and it ends.

  7. The only thing missing from the proposed hybrid ending is how do you get that amazing performance for Audrey back. Oh never mind I figured it out. She delivers all that, then use Moranis to try to convince her no, stay alive, fantasy horror sequence original ending, doodly-do back, and tacked on ending.

  8. I don't know if there is a comment about this stuff, but there is a couple things you guys don't mention. It appears you did not see the original movie- which I recommend to any film buff that likes cheesy movies.
    The original movie is much darker but much shorter. While it is a comedy, and everyone dies its left more open ended, but it sounds like the stags play may be a lot more like the original film.
    You mentioned Bill Murray playing the role Jack Nicholson played, but you may not know another fun fact. A very young Dick Miller (for those that don't know he is the veteran in Gremlins and appeared in a ton of horror movies) is in the original as a patron of Mushnik's that buys flowers to eat as snacks. Jay knows this already, but Dick Miller was a recurring actor in Corman's films.

    This movie was a staple of my childhood. It's another movie I know by heart. I still have the original release CD of the soundtrack from when it first came out (and I might still have the VHS too), and I bought the blu ray release the day it came out.

    The stories of the original ending have been infamous since I was a kid, but I still need to watch the original cut of the film. I never got around to it. I'm just used to the theatrical cut. I really like the characters in this remake and I don't know that I want to see the darker version. In the original 1960 movie all the characters are much more unlikable so everyone dieing is much less tragic- at least to me. But both cuts of the 80s movie are on the blu ray release.

    Edit: oh, final point. Rick Moranis did not only play to this nerd type (see club paradise or his bob and doug mckenzie stuff for some examples), but really the big thing with Rick Moranis is that he never wanted to be an actor. He was in radio, and got into secon city i believe when he got talked into doing streets of fire which he didnt want to do. He does not see himself as an actor, and i think I remember him saying he did not like doing that role. He is a comedian and just wanted to have fun. This is the biggest reason he stopped acting after the family stuff that was also part of his reason. But he worked for Disney, which even at the time he semi retired was very corporate and it stopped being fun. So he became offer only and super strict. Basically if he doesnt think he'll enjoy doing it he just turns it down. His interview on Nerdist was probably a decade ago now, but at the time he said he still sometimes gets offers and usually turns them down because he doesnt think the role will be fun to do.

  9. I don't really like musicals, never have, but this movie was so well made I give it a pass, the only other musical I like is "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" because the actors in it are very talented.


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